Give students the opportunity to explore a variety of careers using knowledge gained about their interests through › Multiple-aptitude test battery › Interest inventory to learn more about themselves and the world of work › Explore occupations in line with interests and skills › Develop a strategy to realize career goals
Shown on right and in graph “X” is your score; gray band is the range your scores may fall if the test is taken again Majority of students score between 30 and 70; meaning average score is 50. Scores higher than 50 suggest a strength; below 50 a weakness
Indicates how well you did in relation to others in the same grade Score means you did as well or better than X out of 100 students in that group Not equal to percent correct! There are no passing or failing scores
Results shown for 3 Factors; Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science and Technical Skills Can be used to connect with occupations that best match your specific interests and skill sets Use ASVAB Access Code to access Occu-Find to match your specific interests and skill sets
o You will get an OCCU-Find access code on your ASVAB Summary Results sheet o Go to and use your access code to take the personal
There are tabs for several Personal Inventory Tools Explore and plan the future based on your skills and interests
See Ms. Campbell in the CCR Center, Room 216 to