APEC Secretariat Presented by Penelope Howarth, Program Director, APEC Secretariat EWG49 - June 2015, Gyeongju, Korea Copyright © 2015 APEC Secretariat Key APEC Developments of Relevance to EWG
Agenda This session covers: 1.Philippines Host Year Priorities 2.Changes to the Guidebook on APEC Projects 3.Scoring template 4.ABAC representations on Energy 5.SOM FoTC on Urbanisation
Host Priorities APEC 2015: BUILDING INCLUSIVE ECONOMIES, BUILDING A BETTER WORLD Priorities: Investing in Human Capital Development; Fostering Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) Participation in Regional and Global Markets; Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities; and Enhancing the Regional Economic Integration Agenda.
Changes to the Guidebook on APEC Projects – Edition 10 (Feb 2015) Operational Account (OA) renamed to General Project Account (GPA); Including funding caps for GPA and TILF funds; Changed the Concept Note template in line with evaluation and fund name changes Multi-year projects text reviewed Incorporated Guidelines on Capacity Building
Changes to the Guidebook on APEC Projects – Edition 11 (June/July 2015) Chapter 5 Applying for Funds: updated to reflect the new concept note assessment process agreed by BMC; Chapter 3 Funding and Accounts: updated to reflect the commencement of the APEC Support Fund: Sub- Fund on Mining, as well as the depletion of available funding for the sub-funds on Science and Technology, and TFAPII; Guide on Gender Criteria: replaced with updated version agreed by the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy.
Concept note assessment process – scoring template See Attachment A: EWG members required to score each project against set criteria EWG Secretariat aggregates the scores submitted and submits to APEC Secretariat See Attachment B: Committee members required to score each project against set criteria 20 points of the Committees’ score comes from the EWG score
ABAC representations on Energy See Attachment C ABAC consistently raises green growth and energy security issues in their reports to APEC Economic Leaders ABAC may seek to engage in EWG meetings and activities in the future
SOM FoTC on Urbanisation See Attachment D In 2014 APEC Leaders endorsed the APEC Cooperation Initiative for Jointly Establishing and Asia-Pacific Urbanisation Partnership APEC Ministers agreed to set up a SOM Friends of the Chair (FoTC) on Urbanisation to guide future work SOM FoTC on Urbanisation Terms of Reference were agreed at SOM and the first FoTC meeting will be held at SOM3 Purpose to ‘Coordinate and develop a work program and strategies to encourage the achievement of sustainable city development and urbanization’
SOM FoTC on Urbanisation SOM FoTC on Urbanisation’s role includes: Establish a cooperative network of sustainable cities in the APEC region Encourage establishment of a sub-fund to support sustainable urbanization Coordinate with relevant APEC and external for a to avoid to avoid duplication and foster potential benefits Engage with Policy Support Unit Report back to SOM regularly and make recommendations.
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