We will begin to send reading folders home each evening. These will contain a reading book, sound cards -that will be added to on a weekly basis and ‘tricky words’ for your child to recognise. Please return this folder to School every day. The children will read individually to myself or Miss Williams twice a week and we will be assessing their progress regularly. Dear Parents Welcome to an exciting Autumn Term. The Reception staff are pleased with the way the children are settling in at school. However, we do appreciate that attending school full-time is a big change for all children and some may adapt quicker than others. It is important that staff and parents work together so should you have any worries or concerns about your child, please come and talk to any member of the Reception staff. Thank you. Detailed below is some key information that will help this term run smoothly. Detailed We will continue to use the topic approach to our learning and will be planning from the children's questions and interests. Our topics this term are..... Autumn One Keeping Safe Autumn Two Light PE- Our P.E session will be on Wednesdays, so can you please ensure your child has a named P.E kit in school for the entire week. Water bottles- It is important that your child has a water bottle in school every day. We talk to the children about how drinking water regularly is important in keeping them healthy so access to water is crucial to this learning. Home Learning folders will be given to your child on a Tuesday and will need to be returned the following Monday. All home learning will be linked to an area of the curriculum and will be a topic that has been covered within the class. Please encourage your child to complete this using a writing pencil and keep all completed sheets within the folder. Thank you for your support.
The children will continue to learn new sounds every week at school and these will be inserted into your child’s reading folder. Will you please ensure you practise these every night with your child. We are also encouraging the children to know the letter name of each sound and would appreciate your support in reinforcing this as well. Monday 21 st September Meet & Greet Friday 25 th September New to Homerswood – coffee morning Wednesday 7 th October Harvest Festival – St Johns Friday 16 th October Individual photographs Monday 26 th October Half Term Friday 27 th November INSET – school closed Monday 30 h November Occasional Day – school closed Tuesday 1 st December Parent consultations – 3.30 – 5.30pm Thursday 3 rd December Parent consultations – 4.30 – 7.00pm Wednesday 9 th December Foundation Christmas production Friday 11 th December Carol Concert – St Johns Friday 18 th December End of Term If you have any problems or questions please do not hesitate to talk to any member of the Reception Staff. We are always available at the end of the school day and will also arrange a convenient time to suit you. May we thank you for your continued support as this is greatly appreciated. Mrs Manly, Miss Williams, Miss Dring, Mrs Henry, Miss Cooper, Mrs Wiedenstriet We always welcome parents into the classroom to play with the children and help them with their learning. If you would like to do this please can you talk to a member of the Reception Staff so we can organise a rota and plan appropriate activities.