Review of Regional Planning Group Workshop 15/8/12 Perth Royal Infirmary Heather Knox, WoSPG Mark O’Donnell, Scottish Government
We asked….You said…. Review of Regional Planning
What has worked well? Collaborative focus, corporate approach and ability to develop working relationships Safe place to develop a common view / reflect Driving through redesign Useful role of team – “honest broker” facilitator Useful to have regional planning perspective – thinking out with normal boundaries Clearing house roles of DoFs / DoPs or specialist services groups
What has worked well Valued the input of the workforce perspective around the table “Patients don’t recognise boundaries so we need to ensure equity and consistency across the region” Medical workforce planning and input from NES Success across a range of services, cancer, paediatrics, specialist mental health etc Collaboration across regions and NSD really positive Where would we have been if we hadn’t had it
What has got in the way? Resource? Although financial climate has sharpened focus Agenda may not always target the best / most high value activities Doesn’t work it is not mutually beneficial Personalities Clinical teams local focus – (can also work as a positive force) Communication within Boards Parocialsim Board performance management doesn’t take account of how Boards engage regionally Inter Board tensions
What has got in the way? Assumption against centralisation Politics – local & national, but regional planning can also help Lack of clarity around medical workforce agenda nationally Tension between being an agent of the Boards and also taking direction from Scottish Government Not taking the leap around shared services Disconnect between buy-in at CEO level and middle managers Goes against the prevailing organisational culture Time!! Competing priorities!!
Links between Regional & National Planning Regional planning groups can help to drive the agenda eg TAVI NDP specialist Paediatrics – excellent model here re the pan Scotland work Regional overview to inform national planning Boards can choose to use Regional Planning Groups to develop a common view – this then gives legitimacy to representation on at a national level BUT need to be sure that form fits function regional planning not the only game in town. Board representation is key. Key role in influencing workforce planning nationally
Role in supporting NPF Depends on the issue – form follows function, some topics appropriate for regional approach, other not Do we need 14 Boards around the table if TCGP structure is strong enough to support and represent? 2 way flow –key role in shaping NPF agenda and also taking away issues to work on them
Role in supporting CEO Group CEOs require a clearing house and the ability to commission work more easily than currently Filter in and out needs to be strengthened and RGP(s) could be part of this Needs clear link to NPF Horizon scanning – are we behind the curve? Where are we with national forward planning? RPGs can be used as a forum to develop a view
Role in supporting the Quality Agenda Should be integral, not an add on Have we got enough focus on outcomes in regional planning? Not about performance management but joint collaborative review “I’m not feeling the connection” Not sure where the Quality Alliance Board and the Strategy Delivery Group fits in?
How would you like to see Regional Planning evolve? Build on it More focussed outcomes Is there a role for national planning resource and how would this link to Regional Planning? Need to consider the implications of the health and social care integration agenda Should we develop clinical services review on a regional basis? What will the impact be of diminishing resource both financial and workforce?
Workshop A Questions 1.How can we build upon regional planning? 2.If regional planning is to be more outcome-focused, what needs to happen? 3.Is there a role for a more formal performance framework? 4.How do we create a better two-way flow between National Planning and Regional Planning?
Workshop B Questions 1.What will the impact be of diminishing financial and workforce resource on regional planning and how should we respond? 2.If we are to develop clinical service reviews on a regional basis, how should we go about it / what are the principles? 3.What are the implications of H&SC integration for regional planning and is a response required?