Support for students on their learning journey
Or is it more like ……………
Adjusted timings to Academy day Monday - Friday Reg + Form Time8.30 – 8.35 Lesson 1 (70)8.35 – 9.45 Lesson 2 (70)9.45 – Break10.55 – Lesson 3 (65)11.20 – Lesson 4 (65)12.25 – 1.30 Lunch1.30 – 2.15 Reg2.15 – 2.25 Lesson 5 (70)2.25 – 3.35 End of day3.35
New management structure from September
Who is there to help and support me? The Tutor (weekly tutorials) The Pastoral Manager The Head of Progression The Senior Teachers (x2 Pastoral) The Senior Teachers (x2 Academic) The Assistant Head The Deputy Head The Head
Reporting on academic progress (KS3)
Reporting on academic progress (KS4)
The Midyis test Midyis stands for Middle Years Information System and is currently operating in over 3000 secondary schools. Tests are designed to measure ability and aptitude for learning rather than achievement. Not an IQ Test, as it is designed to provide a measure of ‘typical’ performance which can be used to give an expected level of attainment at GCSE based on the national average results.
Core Subject Level Predictions Non-Core Subject Level Predictions Teacher' s Adjustm ent (Levels) 0.0 Sex MidYIS Score MidYIS Band KS3 English KS3 Maths KS3 Science Art Design & Technology Geography History ICT Modern Language Music Physical Education Religious Education English KS2 Maths KS2 F135A7b8b7a6a7c7b 7c 6a6b7b 5a M144A7a9c8c7c 7a 7c7b7c6b7a 5b5a F135A7b8b7a6a7c7b 7c 6a6b7b 5b6c M103B6c6b6c 5a6c5a6c 4a4b M93C5a 5b5a 4b4a M121A6a7b7c6b6a 6b 6c6a 4a5c M92C5a 5b5a 3a4b F102B6c6b6c 5a6c5a6c 4a F96C5a6c5a 6c5a 5b5a 4c3b F106B6b 6c6b 6c5a6c 6b 5c4a M90C5b 5a 5c5a 3b4c M114A6b7c6a6b 6c6b6c6b 4c F107B6b6a6b6c6b 6c5a6c 6b 5b5a M110B6b6a6b6c6b 6c 6b 5c4b F123A7c7a7c6b6a7c 6b 6c6a 5c4b MidYIS AND KS2
The power of INSIGHT False GCSE Grade Predictions FormINSIGHT IDCust INSIGHT Reading Score INSIGHT Maths Score INSIGHT Science Score Overall Curriculum Score Additional Science Art & Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry Design & Technology Drama English English Literature French Geography German History Mathematics Music Physical Education Physics Religious Studies Spanish FC/DEE/FED/EC/DED/EE/FE D/E E/FEE St C/DB/CCC/DCCB/CCCC/DC CC CC Or CBB/CC C C CB Al BBBBBBBBBB/CB BBBBBA/BB Al CBB/CC C CC CB De A*A A A*/AA* A*/AA* Al AA/BA A B A A AA A*/AA/B De BBBB/CBBBBB B BBBB A/BB Al AA/B B B A A St CBB/CC C CC C De BBBB/CBB BB B B A/BB/C Al BBBBBBBBBBBB/CBA/BBBB B St CBB/CC C CC C De B/CB B C B Or B/CB C C C B St AA/B B B A A St BBBB/CBBBBB B BBBBBA/BB De C/DB/CCC/DCCB/CCCC/DC CC CC St AA/B B B A A Or BBBB/CBB BB B B A/BB/C
Homework ‘ShowMyHomework’ is an online home learning calendar; teachers set the tasks which appear almost instantaneously in the students' "to-do list". Teachers also have the ability to add links and further resources. Students and parents can access the home learning tasks that teachers have set at any time through their mobile or desktop devices. There is also an accompanying app for iOS and Android devices which will send notifications to inform the student and parent of any outstanding tasks. There is no longer a reliance on students to waste valuable learning time in the classroom trying to scribble down home learning activities by copying from the board.
Raising aspirations What can schools and parents do together to: 1.Raise aspirations to stay on in full-time education after the age of 16? 2.Raise the aspiration level of boys to match that of girls? 3.Provide high-quality careers advice and work- related learning? 4. Provide inspirational mentoring to broaden horizons between the age of 11 and 14?