Project Manager Reports Ron Remillard (MIT) & Tom Booler (Curtin, Aurecon) MWA Project Meeting December 5, 2011
Outline Part 1: Ron Remillard (overview) Review Project Office and Science Leads Status of MWA groups at different Institutions Overview of Project Elements Project Element Interfaces & Recent Developments Management Challenges 2012 Part 2: Tom Booler (building 128T) Site Construction Plan Cost and Schedule Relations with CSIRO and AAL Questions & Discussion
Project Office and Science Package Leaders Project OfficeOfficer Official Term Project DirectorSteven Tingay (Curtin)Dec Project ScientistJudd Bowman (ASU)June 2012 Systems EngineerBob Goeke (MIT, Curtin)June 2012 Project Manager(Tom Booler (Curtin)agenda: Thurs. Board Meeting) Deputy Project Manager for IndiaUday ShankarJune 2012 Deputy Project Manager for US? Science GroupsLeader Science CouncilStuart Wyithe (Melbourne) EoR Science PackageJackie Hewitt (MIT) Solar, Heliosphere, IonosphereAnthea Coster (MIT Haystack) TransientsDavid Kaplan (UWI-M) Galactic & ExtragalacticLister Stavely-Smith (U. W. Au.)
Status: MWA Teams in Australia InstitutionEmphasis Members a Curtin UniversityBuildout; Project Office; Correlator; Archive; 11 Commissioning; Operations; EoR; Surveys University of MelbourneRTS; Archive; EoR4 University of SydneyTransients; GEG4 Australian National UniversityEoR; GEG2 U. Western AustraliaGEG; M&C2 Swinburne UniversityGEG1 __________________ a counting PhDs and graduate students
Status: MWA Teams Outside of Australia InstitutionEmphasis Members a Funding RRI, IndiaReceiver production; EoR, Transients9long term Victoria U., New ZealandRTC; GEG2long term USA: MIT KavliRec. support; EoR; Archive; Trans.9 current & pending MIT HaystackBF Tests; EoR; SHI5 current & pending U. WashingtonM&C; EoR4 current & pending Harvard-SAOEoR; SHI; surveys3current Arizona StateEoR; surveys3 b current & pending U. Wisconsin-MilwaukeeTransients1current __________________ a counting PhDs and graduate students b plus 2 undergrads building a beamformer characterization/calibration instrument
Project Elements in the Project Management Plan Project ElementLeader 1. Site & InfrastructureSteven Tingay (Curtin) 2. Antenna / BeamformerTBD needs attention 3. ReceiversBrian Crosse (Curtin) 4. CorrelatorSteve Ord (Curtin) 5. Monitor & Control SystemMiguel Morales (U Wash.) 6. RTS & RTCDaniel Mitchell (Melbourne) & need a RTC/Network manager 7. Data ArchiveDavid Pallot (Curtin) 8. OperationsDave Emrich (Curtin)
Suggested Revision to Project Elements Project ElementLeader 2012 outlook 1. Site & InfrastructureSteven Tingay (Curtin) √ 2. Antenna / BeamformerTBD needs attention 3. ReceiversBrian Crosse (Curtin)√ 4. CorrelatorSteve Ord (Curtin) √ 5. Monitor & Control SystemMiguel Morales (U Wash.)√ 6. Real Time SystemDaniel Mitchell (Melbourne)√ 7. MWA Computers & NetworkingTBD needs attention 8. Data ArchiveDavid Pallot (Curtin)√ 9. Commissioning(Randall Wayth ?) funding? Board? 10. OperationsDave Emrich (Curtin)√
Some Project Element Interfaces Project Element Interfaces Definition Issues 1. Site & Infrastructure 2. Antenna / Beamformer 3. Receivers 4. Correlator 5. Monitor & Control System M&C Correlator 6. Real Time System 7. RTC and Networks 8. Data ArchiveMRO disks Perth archive 9. Commissioning Commissioning Plan 10. Operations Project Review of M&CProject Review of RTSMRO computer plan
Interface and Planning: Recent Developments Will we save correlator data?yes Where will RTS run?MRO Second RTS version running in Perth?likely (test revisions; test algorithms; archive re-processing) How do we transfer data from MRO to Perthfiber link + disk backup Estimated load (100% duty cycle) on 10 GBS link, MRO to Perth Correlator auto- and cross-correlations 16% (256 ccors and xcors every 0.5 s; scaled, 16-bits per array) RTS data (HEALpix files at 200 s; also use 16 bit, scaled?)18% Double the data rate load if 32-bit words are necessary Backup Plan for Link Outages: disk costs ~$60K. 2 weeks (100% duty cycle) x 2 sets (transportation)
Management Challenges for 2012 (Systems Level) Project Review of M&C; early 2012 (complete ICDs; test expansion to 128T) Project Review of RTS; early 2012 (complete ICDs; simulations for 128T) Complete Computer & Networking Plan; 1 st quarter 2012 (RTC + others) Complete Data Products and Archiving Plan; 1 st quarter 2012 Complete Commissioning Plan; 2 nd quarter 2012 (Commissioning is complex & coming fast; needs organization & automation) Accepted Operations Plan; 1 st quarter 2012 (now in draft 3; topic Tues. & Thurs.; needed for Operations proposal(s))
Additional Comments: Management Challenges for 2012 Tom will need help with system-level project management tasks, while he is working on site preparation, procurement, hardware deployment, CSIRO relations, and AAL communications during the Construction Phase in early Science package leaders must refresh their organizations for: team members, data needs, science software, and involvement in Commissioning phase.