Analysis of Endstation A setup Josef Uher
Quartz bar Start counter
Configuration with ADC gives possibility to correct measured time on pulse height off-line. => better control than in case of CFD Quartz bar start counter 4 pad MCP TDC ADC Leading Edge Disc. PiLas laser
Start Counter – resolution vs. light intensity Before ADC correction After ADC correction Raw TDC/ADCADC correctionADC slicesResolution vs. Light intensity Analysis procedure:
Start Counter – resolution vs. light intensity ~50 ps ~50 photons Each point is sigma obtained from double Gaussian fit of TDC spectrum.
Quartz start counter in multiphoton mode Pad 0 Pad 1 Pad 2 Pad 3 Light intensity: from 200 to 700 photons =44 ps =29.5 ps =76 ps =28.5 ps The laser si not 100% centered TDC spectrumRaw ADC/TDCCorrected ADC/TDC
Slot tests Slot 2Slot 3Slot 4 Slot 5Slot 6 All slots tested with the same set of Philips TDCs Tested 320 pads in 5 slots. 301 pads were OK. 56 pads OK60 pads OK58 pads OK 64 pads OK 62 pads OK Note: “pad” includes MCP, amplifier and CFD
Timing resolutions in single photon mode Best [ps]Worst [ps]Average [ps]Median [ps] Slot Slot Slot Slot Slot Table of resolutions Table of hit probabilities Pilas frequency 1kHz SlotHit probability*Multiple hits**DAQ [Hz] 21.8% % % % %1102 **number of pads hit by photons per event MA *hit probability for single pad MCP
MA PMT connected to SLAC ADCs and Phillips TDSs Phillips (common start) SLAC (common stop) Log scale Majority of events
System stability
TDC spectrum (the whole run) Peak position as a function of time The aim is to determine stability of channel delay calibrations over time. Discover systematic effects. 10 hours Counts [-] 2.62 counts ~0.34
Online monitoring
Example of online monitoring histograms Hodoscope window Cherenkov ring window Histograms in the window: horizontal fingers horizontal hit multiplicity vertical fingers vertical hit multiplicity horizontal profile vertical profile raw hit map corrected hit map Data of any module in the system can be visualized online. (including start counters, MAs and MCPs in the prototype and other) (+ Timing windows)
Software status What we need to see online: Hodoscope 2D beam position histogram x and y profiles hit multiplicity Startcounters timing Preview of Cherenkov rings (The first version of software documentation is ready.)