The impossible triangle Maria Jukić & Renata Krešo mentor: prof. Marina Ninković XV. gimnazija, Zagreb
Penrose triangle never ending triangle created by Oscar Reutersvärd popularised by Roger Penrose often called impossibility in its purest form not that hard to draw...
Step 1 first draw an equilateral triangle
Step 2 draw three lines parallel with the sides of the triangle lines should be inside the triangle each line should be equally distanced from the sides of the triangle
Step 3 draw another three lines by repeating step 2 this time keep the lines inside the smaller triangle you drew
Step 4 outline the biggest triangle connect the intersections of the lines from step 2 and the biggest triangle
Step 5 now need you do some more outlining which is difficult to explain so just follow our image
Step 6 you’re almost done erase the leftover lines
Step 7 shadows for a better effect we suggest adding some shadows
Other Penrose polygons Penrose square Penrose pentagon
Penrose hexagon Penrose octagon
Real life a big size model of the impossible triangle is found in Perth, Australia
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