Medic Technology Media Proposal 31 July Delivers ready-to-buy consumers
Ebuying guide – what it can do for your business In it’s simplest form, ebuying guide is a bridge between traditional media and new media. For a small daily charge, ebuying guide enables you to take the same advertising material that you have in today’s West and display it online for the duration of your promotional period. That period may be one week or one month, for there is nothing surer, today’s West will be in the recycling bin tonight.
Daily traffic to our site is strong* * Investment in Search Engine Marketing has been adjusted as of week commencing 15 th June to a target of 3000 visits per day. Note: Visitors to site by SEM represents 50% of total Over ready-to-buy consumers visit ebuying guide per month Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is directing visitors to ebuying guide when they are online and searching for retail offers. We are also using promotions and traditional advertising to increase awareness for ebuying guide. Our next promotion will commence in July and a television/press campaign commences in early August.
Visitors To Categories 15 May – 28 July
Investing in paid search (SEM) is attracting ready-to-buy consumers Our SEM includes common keywords which relate to products sold by Medic Technology. When People Enter any of these keywords in a search an ebuying guide advertisement appears in the sponsored link area. Clicking on this link takes internet users straight to the page on ebuying guide where Medic Technology advertising appears
Traffic – Qualified Buyers We have between visitors to the site daily, so for the month of July we are on track for approx visitors to the site. Is this good? Well we think so, and to put the figures into perspective I note that ninemsn shopping site claims “ Australians visited ninemsn in December This audience has more than doubled in the last 12 months”. That being the case ninemsn is delivering numbers into the Perth market comparable to ebuying guide and that calculation is based on Perth representing 10% of the national pie.
Post Analysis Statistics for Medic Technology Medic Technology Analysis 17 June – 31 June Total page Views (Visible to ebuying guide visitors) Total PDF downloads (The people are ready to buy) 75 Total website click-throughs 54
ebuying guide rate card 8 Proposed Media Schedule