Xbox One
Best multiplayer service Dedicated servers Smartmatch Cloud processing and AI
Voice and gesture control Identity and recognition Skype video in HD 10x power
Cross platform development Windows 8.1 Surface Xbox One Windows Phone
MultitaskingNew technologyNew markets and devices
PredictabilityIP protectionArt > code
Embrace unpredictable futureEmbrace predictability and power
Shared partition Host OS Xbox shell System services OS Shared apps Exclusive game Exclusive OS Exclusive partition
Content cache Multiplayer Someplace to save/load games Xbox LIVE DLC/persistent storage DLC/delivery mechanism Hard drive Ethernet port
Console managed connection Evolved from housekeeping to central hub Console managed LIVE profile Launch pad for all experiences Constantly evolving New way of interacting with games Whole new class of games LIVE enabled Dashboard shell Kinect
Xbox One Unique Features Kinect in every box Xbox Cloud computing servicesSmartGlass Fast app switching Quiet!ESRAMStreaming installCloud storage
Move CPU work into the cloud Running on Microsoft Azure GSDK used to build cloud servers More of a preview at this point than actionable
We can fold the system into different shapes to meet the needs of the current apps and loads Doesn’t require any code changes! (Mostly!) Much like an origami square SharedOS and normal ExclusiveOS SharedOS and constrained ExclusiveOS SharedOS and suspended ExclusiveOS Just SharedOS Low power mode Different modes Process lifetime management
1 second from time event fires to suspend Game may never wake up from Suspend! Save State! If it does wake up, you get a Resume event ERA suspend mode 4 CPU cores Cores 0-3 Cores 4 and 5 folded onto Cores 2 and 3 respectively 50% of GPU No Controller focus, 100% of network Game is Running in the BAT ERA constrained mode
Microsoft guarantees it will get to the cloud You decide how player picks up experience on return Player gets to switch away to something else quickly with no loss Dedicated block of memory (16 MB) One (1) second to make sure game has what it needs to recover in 16 MB Probably means just streaming the current object model in RAM won’t work Probably not what the designers will intend for returning from the switch Probably won’t fit in 16 MB Game gets notification of impending switch
ODD delivery == cloud delivery Not just download and run whole thing! System designed to get game playable ASAP Enables the pre- download/launch day run scenario Steam, GameStop, etc. Industry is already moving this way Optical disks are still there and work like they did on previous gen!
Has to be installed first just like from cloud Can’t just stream/run title from the ODD like you do today This is a hard problem to solve! Remove redundancies in assets Understand what different parts of title have in common Deep understanding of title asset utilization at any given moment essential And start might have a bunch of different meanings Assets must be broken into chunks to allow fast installation of bits needed at start
Can be a very hard problem for open worlds, easier for others Have to understand how the player will move through your game Understand how you game is compartmentalized Even open world games generally have starter areas Unlocking multiplayer maps instead of just handing out all of them Player UGC assets staged Game design considerations Squeezing assets as tightly as possible Leave compressed on HD, use cores at load to decompress Compression
Gestures Body Motion Speech Pointing Think about how to integrate Kinect with title No more Kinect title versus controller title You can count on Kinect being there!