TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS Data Transmission after LS1 R. Denz, TE-MPE-EP TIMBER PM WinCC OA Tsunami warning: (Feb. 2012)
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS - protection of superconducting elements in the LHC Circuit typeQuantity Main bends and quads24 Inner triplets8 Insertion region magnets94 Corrector circuits 600 A418 Total544 Protection system typeQuantity Quench detection systems13440 Quench heater discharge power supplies6076 Energy extraction systems 13 kA32 Energy extraction systems 600 A202 Data acquisition systems2574 (~2300 exposed to ionizing radiation) Software supervision channels93584 System interlocks (hardwired)13560 Dependability of the system is critical for LHC performance. Due to the mere size of the system, reliability, availability and maintainability are a major challenge. QPS supervision is used for the operation of the system and for the diagnostics of the superconducting elements. During LHC operation access to the QPS systems is very restricted and practically impossible for the superconducting elements ( warm-up!). In consequence it is vital to have a maximum of information available for remote diagnostics.
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS supervision - basic architecture nQPS IPD, IPQ, IT600 ALeads main circuitsEE QPS supervision provides data for: Operator screens (WinCC OA) and expert consoles Software interlocks (QPS_OK signal) LHC logging database Post mortem servers, viewers and automatic analysis Warning generation (SMS, ) for pre-defined faults states (e.g. loss of a quench heater power supply)
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS DAQ systems Fieldbus (WorldFip™) controlled data acquisition system –Synchronized to accelerator time (∆t = 1 ms) –Up to 8 analog input channels and up to 80 digital I/O channels –Interfaces to associated equipment (SPI or I 2 C) Up to 16 active clients 2574 devices in LHC (~2300 exposed to ionizing radiation) –Required radiation tolerance restricts functionality of field devices e.g. for data buffering and filtering The present soon obsolete and not fully radiation tolerant field-bus coupler of the MicroFip™ type will be superseded by the CERN made NanoFip –New circuit boards, firmware, supervision software …
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS raw data rates (the view from the bottom …) Fieldbus of the WorldFIP™ standard (1 Mbit/s) WorldFIP™ macro-cycle length t macro = 100 ms (pre LS1 200 ms) Clients are based on the MicroFIP™ ASIC Consumed variables TIME (global) and COMMAND, 8 Bytes each Produced variables DATA0, 1, 2, 3 (24 Bytes each) About 90% of the QPS fieldbus couplers are exposed to ionizing radiation Limited functionality with respect to data buffering and filtering Raw data rates (not compressed, containing all available information) post LS1/ pre LS1 = QPS 2014 /QPS 2008 = 2 (≠ Moore’s law) MB/sGB/hGB/dayTB/weekTB/year Nominal Maximum
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec QPS data types Booleans (flags) and states On change recording acceptable if signal refreshment can be traced (is true...) Slow analog values (0.1 Hz) Newly created for post LS1 operation Quench heater discharge power supply charging voltage (fast recording only during PM required) HTS current lead protection systems Bus-bar splice protection systems On change recording or filtering not permitted “Fast” analog values (10 Hz) Magnet protection systems Systems treat signals significantly faster but transmit only during PM at full speed (some kHz) On change recording of filtering not permitted The major change compared to the pre LS1 situation is the suppression of the on change data recording of analog values using dead bands. Many complaints by QPS operators and users. Significant part of recorded analog data actually has been rendered useless by on change recording. Post LS1 QPS operation will introduce automatic consistency checks depending on properly recorded data. Substantial effort to acquire data in the LHC environment not to be spoiled easily.
TE-MPE-EP, RD, 06-Dec Conclusion QPS supervision is an essential part of an important machine protection system Proper functioning cannot guaranteed without adequate data acquisition On change recording (or any kind of filtering) of analog data is not acceptable Data transmission rates might be slightly lowered in case of major problems QPS upgrades introduced during LS1 focus on: Reduction of system down time, improved reliability and system maintainability Remote maintenance options Configuration database Improved radiation tolerance Enhanced supervision capabilities e.g. for quench heater circuits Automatic tools for system integrity checks Limitation by the high level control systems in handling the QPS data flow needs to be understood Technology, manpower, hardware where is the real bottleneck?