DownEast Tourist Mall Ryan Dresher Ashley Moss Southwestern College-MGMT 565 Instructor-Mohamed Elaoudiy
Agenda Background Possible Project-DownEast Tourist Mall Project Evaluation Risk Evaluation Conclusion
Background Waldo County DownEast Tourist Mall Well known real estate developer Known for picking good locations Needs evaluation of new tourist mall project DownEast Tourist Mall Objective: intercept the many tourists heading downeast toward Maine. $90 million investment
DownEast Tourist Mall Capital Outlay--$90 million Construction --3 years w/15 year life Income Annual rent from retailers--$12m 5% of each tenants gross sales--$24m Cost of Capital –9%
(Brealey, Myers & Allen, 2011) 4/24/2017 Project Evaluation (Brealey, Myers & Allen, 2011)
Project Evaluation
Risks Retail Sales Slump Rental Sales Slump High Construction Costs Delayed Construction Inflation
Sensitivity Analysis
Risk Scenario Analysis
Risk Contingency and Response
Conclusion NPV and IRR suggest going forward Low risk of negative NPV Income would have to dip 30% in all years to cause negative NPV 6.5 year payback Recommendation to move forward
References Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Allen, F. (2011). Principles of corporate finance. (10 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.