Paulina Lewińska Sławomir Kubiak
Experimental mine Sztygarka is localized in South-West part of Silesia region in Poland. The total length of the corridors exude 1000 meters.
Used laser scanner - FARO Resolution 7,5 mm/10 m The accuracy of the distance measurement ± 2mm 45 travers points
The modeling was conducted in Bentley MicroStation Green – stone wall, red – wood, blue– metal
During laser scanning many pictures of certain elements ware taken. Those ware later used in order to create a photorealistic textures.
Adding extra light source Fixing the temperature scale
Thermal textures are being created by connecting pictures made in visible light an in infrered
Thermal pictures lack of sharp edges Marker – an object in space, constant temperature, easily distinqusible, known coordinates