Domain / Territory of Control Greek God Roman Name Symbol of Authority Domain / Territory of Control Zeus Jupiter thunderbolt king of gods and sky 2. Poseidon Neptune trident god of the seas 3. Hades Pluto invisible helmet god of the underworld 4. Hera Juno golden crown Zeus’ wife; queen of the gods 5. Hestia Vesta sacred fire goddess of home and hearth 6. Demeter Ceres rake goddess of grain and harvest
Domain/Territory of Control Greek God Roman Name Symbol of Authority Domain/Territory of Control 7. Athena Minerva armor and owl goddess of wisdom and law 8. Apollo Apollo golden chariot and harp god of the sun 9. Artemis Diana silver bow and arrow goddess of the hunt and moon 10. Aphrodite Venus roses and doves goddess of beauty and love 11. Ares Mars sword and spear god of war 12. Hephaestus Vulcan anvil and hammer god of fire and forge (oven/furnace) 13. Hermes Mercury Winged sandals messenger of the gods
Picture Symbol of authority Greek name Roman Name Domain/ Territory of control