Endangered Animals Created by Robert and Amy
Bilbies The Greater Bilby is found in small, scattered spots in the Tanami Desert in the Northern Territory, and in the Great Sandy Desert, Pilbara and Kimberley areas of Western Australia. These are hot, dry areas of Australia. Because there is little surface water in places where bilbies live, the animals get their moisture from their food. They eat insects such as termites, as well as seeds, fruit and fungi. The numbers are decreasing every year because of builders building shops and homes and the industries of Queensland polluting our precious country's native fauna and flora.
Koalas Koalas do not drink water often. Sixty- seven percent of their water intake comes from the eucalyptus leaves. Koalas that do need to drink water, are those that live in areas where it is dry, koalas that are ill, and mother koalas. Koalas aren't bears as many people are led to believe. They aren't even related to bears. The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat. The koala is a mammal. The reason the koala is called a koala bear is because the koala looks like a teddy bear. The koala's scientific name is Phasclarctos cinereus. Other reasons for the extinction are chlamydia as well as bush fires (often lighted deliberately). More than 4000 koalas are killed every year thru habitat destruction, dogs and road kill.
Goannas Goannas grow large and can reach 2 metres (over 6 feet) from nose to tail tip. They got their name in the time when people first landed in Australia and saw them. They thought they were related to iguanas - but they're not. They're a kind of Monitor lizard. Frogwatch says the yellow-spotted monitor - or flood- plain monitor - eats cane toads and dies as a result. If you cornered a goanna, and it could not see a way of escape, it would rear up and could do you a lot damage with its claws, and give hefty blows with its tail.
Spotted tail Quoll The spotted-tailed quoll (or tiger cat as it was once inappropriately known) is the second largest of the world's surviving carnivorous marsupials. Spotted-tailed quolls vary from reddish brown to dark chocolate brown with white spots on the body and tail (unlike eastern quolls which do not have spots on the tail). The species is considerably larger than the eastern quoll, with males measuring up to 130 cm long and 4 kg in weight. Females are significantly smaller than males.eastern quoll The eyes and ears of the spotted-tailed quoll are comparatively smaller than those of the eastern quoll. Also the spotted-tailed quoll is physically strong in appearance, with a thick snout and wide gapeeastern quoll Southern Tiger Quolls are disappearing due to the threats of intensive land use and introduced pests.