C OOL K OALAS Facts About Koalas By Saij Bradley
W HAT ARE KOALAS ? Koalas are marsupials. They live in a eucalyptus forest in Australia! Koalas live in groups of 7.
T HE KOALAS HABITAT Koalas live in Queensland, Australia. About 600 kinds of trees grow there Koalas are called harbors.
WHAT DO THEY EAT ? Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves. They also hunt for tiny animals. Here is a pic.
I NTERESTING FACTS ABOUT KOALAS Koalas can weigh up to 9-20 pounds They have soft white hair on the top of there ears In 1924 koalas were extinct in South Australia Look here!
BIBLIOGAPHY Wexo John b. Koalas Mankato; creative education 1989.Print “koala bear facts” Gift log.com http;//