The citizen as the regulator: approaches to empowering citizens and consumers Inspection Reform: Breaking Down Barriers to Trade and Investment Gustavo Kuster Conformity Assessment Directory, Inmetro London
Some information and data about Brazil Population: 192 Million Surface: 8,5 Million Km2 Gross Domestic Product – GDP: 2,48 Trillion of US$ 32 Regulatory Authorities at Federal Level
U Mission: To provide confidence in measurements and products Some information and data about Inmetro Federal Autarchy Employees: 2.100, with 216 Ph.D. Budget: US$ 400 Million Fields of Regulation: product safety and disloyal trade practices
Building up consumer participation Regulatory Agenda specific surveys with different industrial sectors and different consumer associations statistics of some databases consumer complaint about products registered in Inmetro’s Ombudsman
Building up consumer participation Regulatory Impact Analysis real problem cost and benefits issued for public consultation
Building up consumer participation Regulation technical committee establisment of requerements different sectors of the society
Some data about Inmetro’s activities as regulator Number of Technical Regulations established: 197 Number of Products Regulated : 544 Number of regulations under development : 39 Number of regulations under revision : 61 Number of Technical Committees 35 Inmetro’s activities as a regulatory authority follow the Brazilian Code of Good Regulatory Practices, approved by a Council, following ISO/CASCO and WTO recommendations.
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