Jan-2-07 Virtual Center of Wellness Campus
Jan-2-07 Our attractive region ROVANIEMI
Jan-2-07 HEALTH NORTH practices and wellness services that promote healthy lifestyles in cold HUMAN NORTH practices and wellness services that promote sosio-cultural development SAFE NORTH practices and wellness services that promote safety in living 1.Functioning, Disability and Health testing laboratory 2. Muscle control studio to measure motor skills, physical characteristics and performance 3. Emergency, hospital care and telemedicin care LappWell Wellness programme In Lapland
Jan-2-07 Information about ENVI - project Virtual Center of Wellness Campus has been created by ENVI – Virtual Environment for Learning, Emergency and Hospital Care
Jan-2-07 Information about ENVI - project EDRF project Project code: Building the Environment ESF project Project code: S84905 Developing know how The project is funded by the Provincial Government of Lapland, European Union, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences and Lapland Vocational Collage DURATION OF PROJECT
Jan physical learning environments Scene of an accidentVirtual hospital Ambulance
Jan physical learning environments Mawell Medimaker ESKO MawellCare Nursing plan/medical plan THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENTAMBULANCE VIRTUAL HOSPITAL Public Health Care Communication / consultation through authority network Working in authentic conditions Patient simulators EKG – transmit eConsultation Virtual environments Practice of nursing in a fullyPractice of nursing in a fully build-up ambulance practising in limited spacepractising in limited space nursing during the travelnursing during the travel taking care of the ambulancetaking care of the ambulance and all equipments Rescue First aid/ first response Paramedic careBasic first aid The final treatment location/ Virtual hospital/ clinic storyline HOME
Jan-2-07 Technical Abstract Scene Ambulance Control Virtual hospital Remote consulting Online - Interactive virtual environment, which is wide projected with four computers cluster and with four projectors - the simulation system includes: - teachers interface, for initialization of simulation, starting simulation and managing simulated characters - actual simulation, the user has an input device, that he can use to move, open doors, put the light on/off, view medicine can etc. - special effects: lights, wind, cold, smoke, sounds - video- and sound recording, debriefing
Jan-2-07 Envi environment Scene Ambulance Control Virtual hospital Remote consulting Online Computer cluster -4 computers - 4 projectors 8 meters wide and 2,7 meters high screen Special effects: lights, wind, smoke, cold Whole room is black
Jan-2-07 ENVI II
Jan-2-07 THANK YOU !