Lincoln High School Progressive Behavior Support Alex Vasquez Erika Coral Bao Duong Officer Nunez Carolina Paredes Jorge Sanchez Mark Wilkins Howard Yao
The Lincoln High Best Practices for insuring low suspension rates fall into two categories: A safety net of intervention A School-wide set of strategies employed by the Office of Dean of Students Lowered Suspension Rates
Focuses on information and guidance. Information on rules, expected conduct and disciplinary consequences is provided to parents and students upon becoming a member of the Lincoln family. They are reinforced with postings around the campus and in dealings with campus personnel. Information and Clear Expectations Guidance is provided through the institution of progressive discipline which focuses on student’s understanding what they did wrong, why it was wrong and how to correct their behavior. Anecdotal records are kept on all discipline referrals to insure consistent application. Guidance and Support
Students are referred to Healthy Start, The Heart Program, and other in house personnel or programs and outside agencies, as appropriate, for assistance. Students are referred to our Tardy Intervention Program, C.O.S.T. team, or SST. Supervision at strategic posts and times Teamwork and networking reinforce our safety net.
The Deans at Lincoln High have developed a series of strategies which work to limit the number of school suspensions imposed. Using teacher initiated, class period, limited suspensions Using non suspension consequences such as letters of apology, assigned instructional support task or developing job skills in school service. Employing strategies that get parents in for conferences
Lincoln High is successful in keeping our suspension rates low through a teamwork approach & the strategic use of a network of services to students, progressive discipline, consistently applied & alternative consequences applied by the Deans. For further details contact, Mr. Vasquez, AP or Mr. Sanchez or Mr. Wilkins Deans at (323)