Equality Statistics In Scotland Equality Statistics Branch Scottish Government February 2009
Data Sources Census The 5 large scale Scottish Surveys –Scottish Household Survey –Scottish Crime and Justice Survey –Scottish Health Survey –Scottish House Condition Survey –Labour Force Survey Administrative data sources e.g health data, domestic abuse
Estimated population by age and sex, Scotland: 30 June Source GROS 2007 population estimates Available at Local Authority level
Projected population of Scotland (2006 based) Source: GROS Population projections Available at Local Authority Level for same years
Projected population of Scotland by age group (2006 based) Source: GROS Population Projections Available at Local Authority Level
Older people in Scotland Scotland years65 + years Population (000s) (GROS 2007) % of all aged 16+ (GROS 2007) % from ethnic minorities (2001 Census) % women (GROS 2007) % of age band in employment* % of self employed* % with no qualifications* * Data relate to age 50-pensionable age (i.e 60 for women, 65 for men
Gender pay gap Median hourly earnings excluding overtime, Scotland 2008 (Adults whose pay is not affected by absence) Full timePart timeAll £ per week April-08 Men Women Gender pay gap 10.7%-10.3%17.6% Data available at Local Authority Level
Occupational split by sex, 2007 % Male% Female Level Managers and Senior Officials Professional occupations Associate professional and technical Administrative and secretarial Skilled trades occupations Personal service occupations Sales and customer service Process, plant and machine operatives Elementary occupations Source: Annual Population Survey 2007
Tariff scores by sex* Tariff Score 2002/03 Average 2003/04 Average 2004/05 Average 2006/07 Average Male Female Source: SQA Attainment in Scotland Data available at Local Authority *S1-S4 cumulative score in any exam.
Source Annual Population Survey Employment RateEconomic Activity RateEconomic inactivity Rate Disability Status Percentage Not Disabled Disabled Employment, economic activity and inactivity rates, by disability status Scotland 2007
Employment rates of disabled people by main impairment type Scotland 2007 Impairment type:Employment rate Problems or disabilities connected with arms or hands56.3 Problems or disabilities connected with legs or feet41.1 Problems or disabilities connected with back or neck41.3 Difficulty in seeing (while wearing spectacles or contact lenses)* Difficulty in hearing70.2 Speech impediment* Severe disfigurement, skin conditions, allergies55.5 Chest or breathing problems, asthma or bronchitis59.9 Heart, blood pressure or blood circulation problems59.6 Stomach, liver, kidney or digestive problems53.4 Diabetes67.0 Depression, bad nerves or anxiety25.5 Epilepsy48.5 Severe or specific learning difficulties (mental handicap)19.6 Mental illness or suffer from phobia or panics* Progressive illness not included elsewhere37.3 Other health problems or disabilities50.7 All people with disability47.1 Source: Annual Population Survey 2007 (Jan-Dec)
Number and % of people in disabled households living in relative poverty before housing costs* year Individuals in poverty living in disabled households (000s) % of people in a disabled household who are in poverty % of people in a non-disabled household who are in poverty 2002/ / / / / Source Households Below Average Income. No data available at Local Authority Level * Disabled household includes at least one disabled adult
Source 2001 Census. Data available at Local Authority Level Scottish population by ethnic group, 2001
Source 2001 Census Minority ethnic population by council area, all people.
Scottish Population by religion Proportion of populationBase (000s) Church of Scotland42.402,146.3 Roman Catholic Other Christian Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Another Religion All Religions66.963,389.5 No religion27.551,394.5 Not Answered All people ,062.0 Source: 2001 Census. Data available at Local Authority Level
Source 2001 Census. Data available at Local Authority Level Age profile by ethnic group, Scotland 2001.
Source: Annual Population Survey in Scotland, 2007 Economic Activity, employment and inactivity rates by combined ethnic group, Scotland 2007
Source Pupil’s Census: Traveller includes Traveller, Gypsy/Traveller and Other Traveller. Available at Local Authority level but some numbers may be suppressed for confidentiality. Number of pupilsAverage tariff score All 181, White-UK 168, Traveller 8094 White-Other 1, Mixed Asian-Indian Asian-Pakistani 1, Asian-Bangladeshi Asian-Chinese Asian-Other Black-Caribbean Black-African Black-Other Other Not known/Disclosed 6, Three year average tariff score of S4 pupils by ethnic background, 2004/ /07
% of individuals living in relative poverty before housing costs by ethnicity of household head, Scotland, 2003/ /07. In relative poverty, before housing costs White British Any Other White AsianAny Other Ethnic group No83%84%68%70% Yes17% 32%30% Source: Households Below Average Income data, combined data sets / / The Asian category includes Asian or Asian British Indian, Asian or Asian British Pakistani, Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi, Any other Asian or Asian British Background and Chinese. Not available at Local Authority Level
Ethnic group by deprivation as defined by SIMD 2004 % in decile Ethnic groupPopulation White Scottish4,459, Other White British373, White Irish49, Other White78, Indian15, Pakistani31, Bangladeshi1, Other South Asian6, Chinese16, Caribbean1, African5, Black Scottish or other Black Background 1, Other Ethnic group9, Mixed12, Total5,062,011