EU 2030 climate and energy update
Climate Action Network Europe over 120 member organisations in more than 25 European countries
About CAN Europe Founded 25 years ago One of 17 regional nodes of CAN International – network of 700+ environmental NGOs worldwide Secretariat based in Brussels
What we do Provide support to members all across Europe Key areas of work: EU climate & energy policy International negotiations Activities: Policy analysis Network coordination Lobbying & advocacy
EU Climate and Energy policy EU policy early reflected climate change and energy interlinkages The need to be considered jointly: 2008 EU Climate and Energy package centered around three targets to be achieved by 2020
2020 targets 20% GHG emissions reduction 20% RES in total energy consumption 20% of improvements in energy efficiency + 10% of biofuels in transport
Four measures EU ETS reform (EU wide cap + auctioning) National targets for non-ETS sectors (housing, agriculture, waste..) National renewable energy targets Legal framework for CCS
State of play in 2012 GHG 18% (expected 24% in 2020) RES 13% (expected 21% in 2020) EE ? EE Directive introduced in 2012, not yet fully implemented, to be revised later this year Level of implementation in 2012
The road to 2030 framework European Commission put out a legislative proposal this January, currently under discussion, decision expected in October Only one binding target: 40% GHG emissions reduction domestically (without the use of international credits)
Renewables At least 27% share of RES in energy consumption (EU wide target!) Flexibility for Member States to set national objectives No new target for transport
Energy efficiency No target proposed so far! Depends on results of the EED review The need for EE target emerged also as part of energy security debate during past months, as response to crisis in Ukraine Yet final number remains to be discussed – %
Key difference: The governance system National plans to be developed by Member States with guidance from the Commission This increased flexibility will be combined with a strong European governance framework meant to ensure overall consistency with European targets and coherence with the wider principles of European energy policy
NGO Criticism Not ambitious enough! We ask for 55% GHG emission reduction 40% of RES and 45% EE Current proposal: Not in line with science nor the EU’s own analysis Does not reflect urgency of measures needed to keep warming under 2 degrees
What does this mean for the SEE? Even though currently proposed measures are being heavily criticized in the EU, even such proposal is hardly attainable for SEE countries with their current policies… …….so EU should still be referenced as a good example!
How can we use this? EU Climate and Energy policy already part of the regional obligations => The Energy Community (already has RES & EE targets) EU accession process => necessity to account for EU 2020, 2030, 2050 targets when making strategies
Opportunities Collaboration with NGOs from the region Joint position (SEE NET?) Seeking support from the EU institutions and progressive Member States
In 2014 also keep an eye on: EU elections --> New EP --> New Commission (Starting in November) Preparations for post-2020 package (GHG, (RES, EE)) --> October HoS Council Leaders’ Climate Summit in New York (Ban Ki-moon) September 23
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