FFA is a national organization with members from across the US
History of Agriculture/FFA 1917 : Smith-Hughes Act established funding for vocational agriculture in high school 1920s: Virginia was the first state to have Future Farmers clubs for boys 1928: FFA became a National Organization
History of Agriculture/FFA 1935: NFA was formed (NEW FARMERS OF AMERICA) for black students 1950: FFA became one of a few student organizations to receive a Federal Charter from Congress (Public Law 740)
1965: NFA and FFA merged
History of Agriculture/FFA 1969: Girls were allowed in the FFA for the first time
FFA Then and Now 1988 Name changed to National FFA Organization 1989 Magazine name changed to FFA New Horizons
1999 FFA National convention moved to Louisville, KY from Kansas City, MO
In 2006 The FFA National Convention will moved from Louisville, Kentucky to Indianapolis, Indiana It will return to Louisville, KY in 2013
FFA Colors National blue Corn gold
Go PACK!!!! Maybe not corn gold or National blue BUT…… Still THE BEST!
FFA Motto Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve
FFA Mission To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
FFA Salute The Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Official dress Females Black skirt White blouse FFA scarf Black shoes FFA jacket zipped to the top
Official dress Males Black pants White shirt FFA tie Black shoes FFA jacket zipped to the top official_dress.html
Cross Section of Corn Serves as the emblem’s foundation just as corn has historically served as a foundation crop in American Agriculture. Corn is also a symbol of unity because it is native to America and is grown in every state.
Rising Sun Symbolizes progress in agriculture and the confidence FFA members have in the future.
The plow Is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil.
The owl Represents knowledge and wisdom
The Eagle Perched on top of the emblem and serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture
Finally the words Agriculture Education surrounding the letters FFA indicate that FFA is an important part of the agriculture education program.
President Station by the rising sun Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.
Vice President Stationed by the plow Assume all duties of the president if necessary. Coordinate all committee work.
Secretary Stationed by the ear of corn Keeps an accurate record of all meetings
Treasurer Stationed at the emblem of Washington Keeps a record of the finances of the group.
Reporter Stationed by the flag Keeps the public informed of the group’s activities.
Sentinel Stationed by the door Assist the president in maintaining order. Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition. Welcome guests and visitors. Keep the meeting room comfortable.
FFA Creed- History Written by E. M. Tiffany Adopted at the 3 rd National FFA Convention in 1930 Revised in 1965 and 1990 Comprised of five paragraphs, each beginning with “I believe…”
FFA Creed- Use Basic statement of beliefs Expresses a belief in work ethic, patriotism, tradition that all members should share
FFA Creed- Use New members are required to learn the FFA Creed before they are awarded the first degree of FFA Membership: “The Greenhand Degree”
Career Development Activities - Very competitive -Develop technical skills and leadership
Career Development Events Examples: Dairy Evaluation CDE Poultry Evaluation CDE Floriculture CDE Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Career Development Events Agriculture Mechanics Agriculture Sales Agriculture Tool ID. Creed Forestry Horse Evaluation
Career Development Events Job interview Land judging Livestock Evaluation Nursery Landscape Prepared public speaking Parliamentary procedure Tractor/Truck Driving
Career Development Activities Hands-on Experiences Demonstration of Parliamentary procedure to local clubs: develops students’ confidence and skill in conducting a business meeting
Career Development Activities Interning at a nursery through SAE: Helps students learn and develop skill in plant identification Students often write, learn, and present speeches and make presentations that develop poise, confidence, and leadership
Levels of FFA Competition Chapter (local) Region State National
Leadership Development in FFA: Purposes Develop premier leadership, personal growth, and career success Develop confidence, character, and citizenship
Leadership Development in FFA: Purposes Build cooperative attitudes that help students work with others Encourage the improvement of scholarship
Leadership Development in FFA: Ways and Means Competitive events, leadership schools, committee assignments and convention participation opportunities are a few of the other FFA opportunities
FFA Degrees Discovery Greenhand Chapter State American
Greenhand Degree Member must meet the following minimum qualifications: 1. Be enrolled in agricultural education and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program. 2. Learn and explain the FFA Creed, motto and FFA Mission Statement. 3. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket. 5. Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities. 6. Personally own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook. 7. Submit written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Chapter Degree Member must meet the following minimum qualifications: 1. Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree. 2. Must have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least 180 hours of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved supervised agricultural experience program, and be enrolled in an agricultural education course. 3. Have participated in the planning and conducting of at least three official functions in the chapter Program of Activities.
4. Have earned and productively invested at least $150 by the member’s own efforts or worked at least forty-five hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, and have developed plans for continued growth and improvement in a supervised agricultural experience program. 5. Have effectively led a group discussion for 10 minutes. 6. Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law. 7. Show progress toward individual achievement in the FFA award programs. 8. Have a satisfactory scholastic record. 9. Submit a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.
State FFA Degree Member must meet the following minimum qualifications: 1. Have received the Chapter FFA Degree. 2. Have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree. 3. While in school, have completed the equivalent of at least two years (360 hours) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program. 4. Have earned and productively invested at least $1,000, or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a supervised agricultural experience program
5. Demonstrate leadership ability by: a. Performing 10 procedures of parliamentary law. b. Giving a six minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA. c. Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or participating member of a chapter committee. 6. Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local agricultural education instructor and the principal or superintendent. 7. Have participated in the planning and completion of the chapter Program of Activities. 8. Have participated in at least five different FFA activities above the chapter level.
4 types of membership Active member Alumni member Collegiate member Honorary member
Opening and closing ceremonies are rituals that add dignity to a meeting and explain the meaning of certain traditional emblems.
There are many other traditions and ceremonies used in the FFA that can benefit students both while in high school as well as in jobs after graduation.
What We Do Banquet Conventions Leadership Conferences Social events Community service Cookouts Recreation Camp
Fruit Sales CDE Events Parades State Fair Many more