CREATING AN ESSENTIAL QUESTION The basis of your Genius Hour Project
General Topics/The OPEN umbrella top: Food Production & Sustainability Coding/Computer Language Video Games Artificial Organs Yoga Horses Global Warming Sloths Endangered Species Cancer Research Perfection Human Language Animal Language Sharks Snakes
Write your General topic for Genius Hour: ________________________________ List what you know about your topic: List some questions you have about your topic:
TO CREATE AN ESSENTIAL QUESTION (EQ): Now close the umbrella & turn if upside down to form the ESSENTIAL QUESTION (EQ). Your research will answer the ESSENTIAL QUESTION. An EQ asks that you move beyond just studying something to move into ACTION, to make CHANGE, to form an OPINION, or MAKE something.
Common EQ starters: ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS do NOT have easy yes or no answers. EQs try to solve problems, understand complexities, and/or causes and effects. EQs usually start with these types of words: WHY...? HOW...? WHAT IS...? WHAT EFFECT...? WHICH is the best...?
Example Essential Questions: How do we raise crops that promote a healthy planet? What does it matter if the drought in California continues? How will computer-controlled cars change the future? Why does it matter that indigenous languages are disappearing? Why does it matter that honeybees population is declining? Why does it matter the polar ice cap is melting? What happened at Roanoke Island? How does yoga improve human health? How big is the universe? What's the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes? What effect does yoga have on human health? What effect does global warming have on polar bears? What can be done to stop global warming? How was the English language created? How do horses communicate? How do bats navigate? How do animals become extinct? What will happen if a whole species is lost? Which cameras take the best pictures? What is the best design for a video game? What is perfection? What is synesthesia?
Form some preliminary questions based on your topic and list them. Remember - they should be OPEN-ENDED. WHY...? HOW...? WHAT IS...? WHAT EFFECT...? What difference... Which is the best... Why does it matter if/that How could things be better... What is more important...
WHAT IS YOUR BIG QUESTION? (YOUR EQ) Lastly - ENTER YOUR EQ FOR THIS PROJECT IN THE BOX: (Close the umbrella & turn it upside down) You will turn it into the HW tray with your NAME & BLOCK ON IT.