BUILDING STRONG ® Upcoming Solicitations SATOCs – SBSA, SDVOSB, 8a, NAICS , 5 construction contracts to support VA and other agencies. Each valued at $46m. First of five advertised, W R currently posted to MATOC/SATOC: Multiple or Single Award Task Order Contract SS = Size Standard for the Industry Code 1
BUILDING STRONG ® Upcoming Solicitations Continued SATOC MEDCOM Unrestricted, $45m, Reliability Centered Maintenance Implementation, NAICS , Advertise October SATOC - SBSA nationwide for Cultural Resources, Planning Division, $25m, NAICS , Advertise by October Environmental Professional Services, 8(a) MATOC, $49m, NAICS Footnote (b), Advertise October
BUILDING STRONG ® Upcoming Solicitations Latin America MATOC – Unrestricted, $49m, Design- Build Construction, South America. MATOC – Unrestricted, $49m, Design-Build Construction, Central America. 3
BUILDING STRONG ® A/E IDIQ Solicitations (Nationwide) 4 Broad Range of Environmental Services NAICS , capacity$10 Three $3.0m Unrestricted One - $1.0m SBSA, Advertise October Construction Management Services contracts NAICS , total capacity $49m. Three Unrestricted $8m each, Two SBSA, $7M each, One WOSB, $4m, One SDVOSB, $7m, Advertise Aug 2013 ECAS – A/E Environmental Services NAICS Proposed - Four SBSA each, Six each, Advertise Dec 2013.
BUILDING STRONG ® A/E IDIQ Solicitations (Nationwide) 5 Environmental Planning Services (NEPA), NAICS , total capacity $10m, three $3m unrestricted, one $1m, SBSA, Advertise Sep Facility Assessments using BUILDER program for MEDCOM, NAICS , total capacity $40m. $30m unrestricted, $10m SBSA. Advertise late Oct 2013.