Chapter Outline The musculoskeletal system Human strength and power Sources of resistance to muscle contraction Joint biomechanics: concerns in lifting Movement analysis and exercise prescription
Muscle Pulling Force Manifested As a Pushing Force
Muscle Pulling Force Manifested As a Pulling Force
Front View of Adult Male Human Skeleton
Rear View of Adult Male Human Skeleton
The Vertebral Column
Front View of Adult Male Human Skeletal Musculature
Rear View of Adult Male Human Skeletal Musculature
A Lever
A First-Class Lever (The Forearm)
A Second-Class Lever (The Foot)
A Third-Class Lever (The Forearm)
Lever Systems Classified systems of torque Relative positions of force, resistance, and axis of rotation vary in the different types or classes of levers
Classes of Levers First Class – The applied force and the resistance are on opposite sides of the fulcrum. Second Class – The resistance is between the applied force and the fulcrum. Third Class – The applied force is between the resistance and the fulcrum.
First Class Lever applied force resistance resistance arm force arm fulcrum applied force resistance arm resistance force arm
Second Class Lever force arm resistance arm resistance applied force fulcrum resistance applied force resistance arm force arm
Third Class Lever resistance arm force arm resistance applied force fulcrum resistance applied force resistance arm force arm
Levers In The Musculo-Skeletal System Most are third class levers This system produces a disadvantage for force but an advantage for speed of movement
Levers In The Musculo-Skeletal System DFA DRA FM R FRO Most of the musculo-skeletal system consists of third class levers. The resistance arm is longer than the force arm.
Levers In The Musculo-Skeletal System The musculo-skeletal lever systems generally favor speed over strength. In the time that the muscle insertion moves a given distance (red arrow), the resistance moves a much greater distance (blue arrow). A B
Levers In The Musculo-Skeletal System B In other words, the end of a limb is moving at a greater velocity than the attachments of the muscles that produce that movement.
Strength vs. Speed in Skeletal Muscle q In a muscle contraction acting on a limb the resistance moves through the same angular displacement as the muscle insertion. The angular velocity of the muscle insertion (A) is equal to the angular velocity of the load (B) B A
Strength vs. Speed in Skeletal Muscle DFA DRA FM R FRO If DFA = 3 cm and DRA = 30 cm The relative speed of the resistance to the muscle insertion = DRA/DFA = (30 cm)/(3 cm) = 10 This means that the resistance is moving at 10 times the velocity of the muscle insertion
Levers in the Musculo-Skeletal System Not all levers in the musculo-skeletal system are third class. When performing toe rises the ankle becomes a second class lever system. R FM DRA DFA fulcrum
Most of the skeletal muscles operate at a considerable mechanical disadvantage. Thus, during sports and other physical activities, forces in the muscles and tendons are much higher than those exerted by the hands or feet on external objects or the ground.
Types of Muscle Contractions Isometric Tension is developed No movement of the joint Isotonic Constant resistance Variable speed Isokinetic Constant speed of contraction Variable resistance
Speed vs. Force Movements Speed movements Joints move in sequence Walking, running Force movements Joints move simultaneously Squat, bench press
Linear vs. Angular Velocity q B A A B
If you think you're No. 1, you're never going to reach potential If you think you're No. 1, you're never going to reach potential. So each day, we battle. And each day, it changes. Lelan Rogers – Syracuse University Lacrosse Assistant Coach
Mechanical Principles Mass Weight Inertia Speed Velocity Acceleration
Linear Acceleration (in velocity direction) Motion in our Daily Lives 04/28/2008 Linear Acceleration (in velocity direction) This is the familiar stoplight acceleration along a straight line Zero to Sixty-Seven (30 m/s) in 5 seconds: 30 m/s in 5 seconds means 6 m/s2 (~0.6g) Typical car acceleration, normal driving ~0.2g Lecture 10
Curves & Centripetal Forces Motion in our Daily Lives 04/28/2008 Curves & Centripetal Forces Going around a curve smushes you against window Understand this as inertia: you want to go straight your body wants to keep going straight but the car is accelerating towards the center of the curve Lecture 10
Motion in our Daily Lives 04/28/2008 Centripetal Forces The car is accelerated toward the center of the curve by a centripetal (center seeking) force Centripetal Force on car velocity of car (and the way you’d rather go) Lecture 10
Introduction Projectile Motion: Motion through the air without a propulsion
Part 1. Motion of Objects Projected Horizontally
y v0 x
y x
y x
y x
y x
g = -10 m/s2 y Motion is accelerated Acceleration is constant, and downward a = g = -10 m/s2 The horizontal (x) component of velocity is constant The horizontal and vertical motions are independent of each other, but they have a common time g = -10 m/s2 x
Trajectory y = h + ½ (g/v02) x2 y = ½ (g/v02) x2 + h x = v0 t y = h + ½ g t2 Parabola, open down Eliminate time, t v02 > v01 v01 t = x/v0 y = h + ½ g (x/v0)2 y = h + ½ (g/v02) x2 y = ½ (g/v02) x2 + h
Changes in Vx y x h
Part 2. Motion of objects projected at an angle
Acceleration is constant, and downward a = g = -9.81m/s2 y a = g = - 9.81m/s2 Motion is accelerated Acceleration is constant, and downward a = g = -9.81m/s2 The horizontal (x) component of velocity is constant The horizontal and vertical motions are independent of each other, but they have a common time x
Trajectory and Horizontal Range vi = 25 m/s
Velocity Final speed = initial speed (conservation of energy) Impact angle = - launch angle (symmetry of parabola)
PROJECTILE MOTION - SUMMARY Projectile motion is motion with a constant horizontal velocity combined with a constant vertical acceleration The projectile moves along a parabola
When a weight is held in a static position or when it is moved at a constant velocity, it exerts constant resistance, only in the downward direction. Equilibrium However, upward or lateral acceleration of the weight requires additional force. Overcoming the effect of gravity
Stability Center of gravity Line of gravity Base of support
Center of Gravity
Anatomical Planes of the Human Body
Muscle Fiber Arrangements
Resistance training is quite safe compared with other sports and fitness activities. Prudence can keep injuries to a minimum. Basic safety principles include good lifting form, appropriate resistance, accommodation to injuries, balance, and variety.
Specificity is a major consideration when designing an exercise program to improve performance in a particular sport activity. The sport movement must be analyzed qualitatively or quantitatively to determine the specific joint movements that contribute to the whole-body movement. Exercises that use similar joint movements are then emphasized in the resistance training program.
Stability Base of support (bos) Center of gravity (cog)/center of mass Line of gravity (log)
Equilibrium and Movement Body segments moved independently Mass is redistributed Changes body’s cog As long as the cog is located over the bos the body will remain in equilibrium
Stability Resistance to movement mass log bos Move weight in the direction of the oncoming force
Dynamic Balance Constant interaction of forces Move body in a given direction at a given speed Smooth transition of cog from one bos to the next
Dynamic Balance
Force F = m(a) Any influence that can change the state of motion of an object The objective of movement must be considered
Magnitude of Force Inertia of object and other resisting forces must be overcome by enough force for movement to occur Force must have adequate magnitude to overcome inertia Liner movement the closer the force is applied to the cog the less force needed Rotational movement the farther the force is applied to the cog the less force is needed Objects with a fixed point unless the force is applied through the point of fixation, the object will rotate
MOM and DAD MOM Maximize Optimize Minimize
Muscle Pulling Force Manifested As a Pushing Force
Muscle Pulling Force Manifested As a Pulling Force
Angular motion Object rotates around an axis Types Turn Spin Swing
Athlete’s body Predominantly rotational Muscles pull on bones Bones rotate at joints
Levers Simple machines that transmit mechanical energy Components of a lever Rigid object that rotates around an axis Applied force Resistance (opposes force) Produce torque Turning effect Increased by magnifying force and/or distance from axis of rotation
2 functions of a lever system Magnify speed and distance Magnify force Can not occur at the same time
Short Lever Arm
Long Lever Arm
First Class. In a first class lever, the weight to be moved is at one end of the lever, the applied force is at the other end, and the fulcrum (the pivot or turning point) is between the two. b. Second Class. In a second class lever, the weight to be moved is between the applied force and the fulcrum. This type of lever enables a weight to be moved with less force than would be required without a lever. (Many feel that there are no second class levers in the human body.) c. Third Class. In a third class lever, the weight to be moved is at one end of the lever, the fulcrum is at the other end, and the applied force is between the weight and the fulcrum. This type of lever provides speed, but a greater amount of force is required for a given weight. This is the most common type of lever in the human body.
First Class Lever The Forearm Magnify either force or speed and distance
Second Class Lever The Foot Magnify force at the expense of speed and distance
Third Class Lever The Forearm Magnify speed and distance at the expense of force. Predominate the body – most muscles apply great force in order to move light resistances over large distances at great speed.
Human Body Levers Most are long Distal ends capable of moving rapidly Body movements Swift, wide movements Low force Tasks involving rapid movement with light objects are easily performed Very forceful movements may require an anchoring to secure a mechanical advantage
Bats, sticks, clubs and racquets Increase lever arm length May increase force applied Demands more force generated by muscles
Movement of the Body Outcome of a system of levers that operate together Speed levers function is sequence Swinging a bat Great force levers function simultaneously Squat or bench press
Inertia A body in motion will stay in motion a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force Outside forces include Gravity Air resistance Tuff guys
Acceleration Movement response Depends on External force applied Resistance to movement (inertia)
Formulas Abbreviations Distance (d) Velocity (V) Force (F) Mass (m) Acceleration (a) Time (t) Distance (d) D=Vt Force (F) F=ma Work (W) W=Fd or W=mad Power (P) P=W/t or P=mad/t or P=FV
Linear Acceleration Change in velocity As V and t, a Only experienced when force is applied When force stops, a new speed is achieved The direction of acceleration is in the same direction as the force applied Acceleration is proportional to force applied
Angular Acceleration Rate of change of angular speed or direction Large change in angular velocity + small amount of time = large angular acceleration A lever arm only experiences angular acceleration when an external torque is applied Torque stops angular acceleration stops Angular acceleration is in the direction of the torque and is proportional to the amount of torque
Constant Velocity Zero acceleration Equal and opposing forces are encountered Forces cancel out no acceleration or deceleration Acceleration Caused by Gravity 9.8m/s2 A falling object accelerates at the rate of 9.8m/s each second it falls
Acceleration Due to Gravity
Radial Acceleration Direction change caused by centripetal force Mass of object + curve radius + speed + centripetal force Aimed along the circular path at any instant The force responsible for change of direction mass, centripetal force needed Instantaneous direction change as turn radius
Hammer Throw
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction Action/Reaction Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
mass, resistance to change Linear Motion mass, resistance to change
Movement of the Human Body Caused by a body segment exerting force when in contact with a surface The reaction of the surface moves the body sand vs. concrete Runner – propelled forward with an equal and opposite force pushed backward against the ground Surface has sufficient friction (resistance to slipping)
Torque and Action/Reaction Every torque exerted had an equal an opposite torque Change in angular momentum must be caused by a force that is equal and opposite
When Action/Reaction is not desired Controlled Undesired action must be absorbed Energy can not be created or destroyed Purpose of pads
Performing Actions in a Standing Position Counter pressure of the ground accuracy of movement Base of support