British Culture Reform Bill 1832 – Crimean War 1856 Review: Reform Bill 1832 – Crimean War 1856 Review by Ruth Anderson.


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Presentation transcript:

British Culture Reform Bill 1832 – Crimean War 1856 Review: Reform Bill 1832 – Crimean War 1856 Review by Ruth Anderson

Review 1) What did the Reform Bill of 1832 do? –Allowed at least some of the middle classes to share power with the upper classes

Review 2) Who was enfranchised in the Representation of the People Act of 1918? All men over 21 and women of property over thirty

Review 3) Under the New Poor Law who did the Guardians serve? –Served ratepayers (taxpayers) interests not the paupers.

Review 4) What were the 6 Chartists’ Demands? 1.Institution of a secret ballot 2.General elections be held annually 3.Members of Parliament not be required to own property 4.MPs be paid a salary 5.Electoral districts of equal size 6.Universal male suffrage

Review 5) What was the significance of the Chartists Movement? It was the first specifically working-class movement.

Review 6) What is a Luddite? –Any opponent of technological progress

Review 7) What three main things came out of the Crimean War? 1.Last war British used a cavalry charge in 2.An early example of modern war correspondence. 3.Florence Nightingale, trained and led nurses, aiding the wounded during the war in a manner innovative for those times

End of History (Reform Bill 1832 – Crimean War 1856) Review

British Culture 1857 Mutiny in India – Labour Party 1906 Review: 1857 Mutiny in India – Labour Party 1906 Review by Ruth Anderson 10

Review 1) What happened Following the Mutiny in India? –The East India Company was abolished and the government of India was transferred to the British Crown. 11

Review 2) What was one result of the Boxer Protocols? Radical new Western modes of thinking (such as Marxism) started making their way into China 12

Review 3) Who was the poet laureate of Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria? Rudyard Kipling 13

Review 4) Why were the British actions in South Africa (in the Boer War) strongly opposed by many? They were examples of the worst excesses of imperialism 14

Review 5) What is Lord Baden-Powell is famous for? inspiring the Boy Scout movement 15

End of History (1857 Mutiny in India – Labour Party 1906) Review 16