Please Do Now A) Take Out your bellringers B) Take out a new sheet of paper and then label it “ Notes #21, Part A” C) Announcements: 1. Bring a pair of headphones to class everyday. 2. You will need constant access to the internet to complete this class. If you do not have it at home, you might want to consider using the internet at the Victoria Gardens library, etc.
BELLRINGER Z-4 What do you already know about the continent of Africa?
World NO #21 European Imperialists Carved Up Africa Questions For Today: 1. Why were European imperialists attracted to Africa? 2. What was the importance of the 1884 Berlin Conference? 3. How did the British differ from the French in their colonization of Africa?
Where Is Africa?
What Is Imperialism?
Why Were European Imperialists Attracted To Africa? A) Africa offered unique opportunities 1. Was a source of ivory, copper, & other raw materials. 2. A potential market for European goods 3. Could spread Christianity to millions B) Throughout 1800's, European nations were quarrelling among themselves over territory in Africa
1884 Berlin Conference A) Fourteen European nations (plus the U.S.) met to divide up & share territory in Africa. B) Not one African nation or person was invited! C) By 1914, only Ethiopia & Liberia remained independent African Nations
British Favored INDIRECT Colonial Rule In Africa A) British officials made all decisions, but utilized existing African officials to carry them out. B) Africans were allowed to keep some of their traditions & political systems.
French Favored DIRECT Colonial Rule In Africa A) French government appointed a governor for each African colony. B) French attempted to assimilate African people (introduce them to French culture & political system). C) Goal = to have Africans THINK & ACT like French men/women.
DIRECT Colonial Rule, Continued A) French encouraged Africa's upper class ruling elite to send their children to Europe for education. B) Hope was that, when they returned, they could become future educated rulers.
Please Do Now A) Take Out your bellringers B) Take out Part A for Notes #21 (started yesterday) C) Announcements: 1. Grades will be updated for the first time on Monday 2. Bring headphones to class.
Copy the following. You can use it as a roadmap for today’s lecture: BELLRINGER Z-7 A. How were the following places affected by European imperialism?: 1. Ottoman Empire 2. Egypt 3. Persia (Iran)
World NO #21 European Imperialists & Mediterranean Region Questions For Today: A. How were the following places affected by European imperialism?: 1. Ottoman Empire 2. Egypt 3. Persia (Iran)
Geopolitics Motivated Imperialist Europeans In Mediterranean Sea Region A) Geopolitics: an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or strategic products. B) Example: Russia desperately wanted passage for its grain exports across the Black Sea and into the Mediterranean Sea. Russia Had No Access To Warm Waters
European Imperialists Seized Lands From The Ottoman Empire A) For over 300 years, the Ottoman Empire (at its peak) controlled thousands of miles of land surrounding the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, & Red Sea B) By 1900, it began to lose its grip on such lands as European imperialist countries began to encroach.
Crimean War of A) Imperialist Russia launched a war on the Ottoman Empire with the goal of taking enough land to have permanent access to the Black Sea. B) Britain & France came to the aid of the Ottomans, which was enough to defeat Russia.
Crimean War of , Continued A) Despite winning the Crimean War, it weakened the Ottoman empire to the point where it was unable to maintain its hold on countries in the Baltic Peninsula (Romania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, etc).
Imperialism In Egypt
Imperialist Europeans Pressured Egypt A) Imperialist nations convinced Egypt to attempt to modernize itself: B) It required more farmers to produce cash- generating crops such as cotton (which would lead to greater involvement on the world market)
Pressured Egypt, Continued A) Allowed greater amounts of foreign investors to pay for modernization efforts (building communication networks, irrigation projects, and the Suez Canal) B) Suez Canal was a man-made waterway that allowed for the Red Sea to connect to the Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt Fell Into A Crippling $450 Million Debt A) By 1882, it was unable to repay what it had borrowed from foreign investors. B) As a result, Britain eventually took over control of the Suez Canal as partial repayment.
Britain Seized The Suez Canal A) Control of the Suez Canal allowed Britain quicker access to its colonies in Asia & Africa. B) Britain also decided to "occupy" Egypt by sending troops to monitor its affairs.
Oil Issues Led Imperialist Countries To Pressured Persia (Iran) A) Oil was discovered in Persia in B) Since it was unable to afford the machinery needed to extract/process the oil, the Persian government raised $$$ by offering Western businesses a chance to purchase "drilling rights" to operate.
C A) O
For The Next 25 Minutes A) Take Out A New Sheet Of Paper. B) Write your name, and then label it “PG. 330 Chapter 11 Assessment.” 1. Then answer # For #11-20, copy THEN answer the questions. I will not accept the assignment unless all directions are followed.