S CIENCE Kuzhel Julia
T HE WORLD OF SCIENCE We live in the fascinating and challenging world of science. It is a world that more and more over the ages, and especially in the 20th century has come to affect so much of our lives. It is involved with the way we eat and the way we travel, the homes we live in and the clothes we wear, how we become ill and how medicine can make us better, and has given us fantastic means of communicating and exploring. Because science will be around us even more in the future, tomorrow's adults must start learning today to be ready to take their places in this computerized, transistorized, antibiotic, nuclear, supersonic age!
T HE WORLD OF SCIENCE There are many branches of science. It studies: physics, chemistry, literature, economics, physiology, and medicine. In science, there is the concept of "Nobel Prize". But what is it? Who was the Nobel?
N OBEL A LFRED B ERNHARD ( ) Swedish chemist and inventor was born in Stockholm. After receiving an education in Saint Petersburg, Russia; France and the U.S., he returned to St. Petersburg where he worked in his father's company, developing mines, torpedoes, and other explosives during the Crimean War After the war his father went bankrupt, and in the family returned to Sweden. He invented dynamite and a smokeless gunpowder. He built a network of factories to manufacture dynamite, and corporations to produce and market his explosives. Nobel registered over 350 patents, many unrelated to explosives.
N OBEL A LFRED B ERNHARD ( ) He was labeled "a merchant of death" for inventing an explosive used in war. He left most of his immense fortune, which was from worldwide explosives and oil interests, to establish the Nobel Prizes, which would become the most highly regarded of all international awards.
N OBEL P RIZE Nobel Prizes are awards granted annually to persons or institutions for outstanding contributions during the previous year in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and economics. In addition to a cash award, each Nobel Prize winner also receives a gold medal and a diploma bearing the winner's name and field of achievement. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded on December 10, 1901.
Z HORES A LFEROV Nobel prizes were given huge number of people, but especially I remember only one person - Zhores Alferov. Zhores Alferov was born in Belorussia, He graduated from Electro technical Institute in Leningrad. He was engaged in working in the Physic – Technical Institute as junior researcher, senior researcher head of laboratory and director. He earned scientific degrees: a candidate of science in technology and a doctor of science. Zhores Alferov was succeed in his researches, that’s why he was awarded a number of national and international prizes. Zhores was engaged in literature as author. He was succeed in writing books and articles.
C LIMATIC CHANGE Many scientific invention pollute our environment. That's why I wanted to tell you about a very serious problem of our time - climatic change. Climate is the weather a certain place for a long period of time. Climate on our planet has changed a lot. Scientists say, that it is so because the greenhouse effect. Our atmosphere becomes warmer from year to year.
So, science means a lot for mankind. If we are to use their skills and knowledge, then science will give us all a lot of great discoveries and inventions