Finding Your Negotiation Style Alisha Chase Siena Heights University LDR655-Negotiations as a Process August 2103
What is a Negotiation Style? The Definition of a Negotiation Style The method an individual will utilized to reach an agreement. the style used during a negotiation is dependent on the context and the interests of the parties.
Negotiation Style Conflict Model
Negotiation Style Behavioral Chart
Negotiation Styles Three Negotiation Styles: Competing negotiation style is usually a more aggressive approach. Avoiding negotiation style is usually a form of shunning. Collaborating negotiation style is being cooperative.
Competitive Negotiation Style Can sometimes be aggressive. End result focuses on ‘you’ winning. Can cause a storm of emotional reactions and flare egos. Can change the content of the offer. Could create positive dialogue.
Avoiding Negotiation Style Can also be known as ‘passive aggressive.’ Individuals who choose this style usually do not like conflict. This style can sometimes be caused by highly competitive negotiation. Technique is useful during highly intensive negotiation that are a stand still. Buys extra amount of time when unprepared.
Collaborating Negotiation Style Looks for a win-win solution. Allows interest sharing, brain storming, and united resolution. Allows for unemotional problems opposed to proposals. Allows facilitating as opposed to directing. Allows for a comfortable environment.
Cont…Collaborating Negotiation Style Russell Huebsch stated, “the benefits of collaborating negotiation are, “When several parties collaborate to resolve a conflict, they openly express their concerns and work to find a mutually beneficial solution. Collaboration leads to creative problem-solving and respect amongst coworkers in an organization. This style finds the root of a problem, such as personal conflicts, and attends to the situation in the least confrontational manner of any conflict-management style.” (Huebsch, 2013). Reference: Huebsch, R. (2013). The Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaborating Conflict Management. Retrieved from Chron:
Adopting Your Negotiation Style Ask yourself these questions: What is a style of communication that you find comfortable? Are you at your highest achievement when you feel that you have over powered someone, such as that of a competing negotiator? Are you able to communicate in a charismatic fashion, such as that of a collaborating negotiator? Do you find it easier and less confrontational to let an interaction cool down at any chance of it heating up, such as an avoiding negotiator?
four basic types of social motives Individualists Are motivated to maximize their own outcomes without concern for the outcomes of others. Cooperators Are motivated to maximize both their own and other parties’ outcomes. Competitive They want to win-and by a wide margin. Altruists Seek to maximize the other party’s outcome without concern for their own.
Shifting Negotiating Styles The Respecting Other’s Negotiation Style article communicates that everyone is dissimilar; therefore, it is imperative that your negotiation style varies. Stark and Flaherty states, “People, who understand these differences and change their approach to negotiations, practice what we call "The Platinum Rule of Negotiation," which is "Do unto others as they want to be done unto." In other words, successful negotiators tailor their approach to the behavioral style and needs of their counterparts.” (Flaherty, 2013) Reference: Flaherty, P. B. (2013). Respecting others' Negotiating Styles. Retrieved from The Negotiation Experts:
Conclusion There are no rights or wrong ways to negotiate. Know your negotiation technique and style you are comfortable with. Know the techniques for shifting your negotiation style
References Flaherty, P. B. (2013). Respecting others' Negotiating Styles. Retrieved from The Negotiation Experts: Huebsch, R. (2013). The Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaborating Conflict Management. Retrieved from Chron: Negotiation Styles. (2013). Retrieved from The Negotiation Experts: Staff, P. (2011, June 13). Diagnose Your Negotiating Style. Retrieved from Program on Negotiation; Harvard Law School: