Electronic Serials Management An Overview by Mary Mallery, Ph.D. Harry A. Sprague Library Montclair State University
E-Serials: The Problem There are too many: –URLs to track –Databases to check –Search interfaces –Different title and holdings information –Changes to keep up
E-Serials: The Ideal Cost Effective Responsive Tech Support Monitor Copyright Updates automatically Custom Usage Reports Creates Subject Guides One-stop search for users Intuitive interface Search the library’s OPAC for print volumes we own Seamless User Authentication Relevancy Ranking
E-Serials: Current Reality
Database Driven Products Serials Solutions JournalWebCite TDNet Serials Cybrarian
OpenURL Products WebFeat 1cate SFX
Aggregator Interfaces EBSCO Online OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online (ECO) eco.htm
Integrated Library Systems Endeavor –LinkFinderPlus prods/linkfinderplus.htm Fretwell-downing –ZPortal zportal/overview.html
Homegrown with Cold Fusion Raritan Valley Community College Resources listed by title: cfm-bin/byTitle.cfm Resources listed by subject: cfm-bin/bySubject.cfm
Homegrown with ASP Dowling College links/ejlink.htm University of Arkansas eresources.asp
Future Developments Object-oriented Tracking See Scrolling Forward: Making Sense of Documents in the Digital Age by David M. Levy (2002) Arcade Pub. Review:
E-Serials: The Ideal Cost Effective Responsive Tech Support Monitor Copyright Updates automatically Custom Usage Reports Creates Subject Guides One-stop search for users Intuitive interface Search the library’s OPAC for print volumes we own Seamless User Authentication Relevancy Ranking
For further information: NASIG CONSER Web links for Serialists: techserv/serials/serpubs. htm techserv/serials/serpubs. htm EARL E-Serials White Paper public/earl/issuepapers/e serials.html public/earl/issuepapers/e serials.html
Selected Bibliography Robbins, Laura Pope. (2002) “Creating an integrated periodicals listing using Microsoft Access and ASP scripts.” OCLC Systems & Services, vol. 18, no. 1: Shouse, Daniel L. et al. (2001) “Managing journals: one library’s experience.” Library Hi Tech, vol. 19, no. 2: Van de Sompel, Herbert and Oren Beit-Aire. (2001) “Open Linking in the Scholarly Information Environment using the OpenURL Framework.” D-Lib Magazine, vol. 7, no
Electronic Serials Management Contact Information: Mary Mallery, Ph.D. Telephone: (973)