THE BATH SCHOOL DISASTER OF 1927 – 45 VICTIMS 38 schoolchildren, aged 7-14, were killed when a series of bombs went off in Bath Township, Michigan on May 18, 1927.
VIRGINIA TECH – 2007 – 33 VICTIMS A lone gunman killed 33 people, including himself.
SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY – 2012 – 28 VICTIMS The country was shocked this week when news broke that 28 people had been killed in Newtown, Connecticut. A young man armed with multiple weapons shot and killed 20 students, six teachers, and his mother before taking his own life. It’s still unclear what drove the gunman to commit this horrid act.
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MASSACRE – 1966 – 16 VICTIMS On August 1, 1966, a former marine and engineering student took a sniper rifle to the top of a tower on the campus of University of Texas-Austin and started shooting people as they walked by. The shooter, targeting people at random, killed 16 people during his 96 minute rampage before he was shot and killed by police officers..
COLUMBINE – 1999 – 15 VICTIMS The shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, occurred on April 20, Two shooters walked into the school armed with guns and homemade bombs and killed 12 students and a teacher. They both committed suicide at the end of their rampage.
RED LAKE SENIOR HIGH MASSACRE – 2005 – 8 VICTIMS The Red Lake Massacre started on the morning of March 21, 2005, when a student at Red Lake Senior High School shot and killed his grandfather and his grandfather’s girlfriend. The student then drove to the high school in Red Lake, Minnesota, where he killed seven people on campus. The gunman also killed a teacher and a security guard.
OIKOS UNIVERSITY SHOOTING – VICTOMS On April 2, 2012, a lone gunmen entered Oikos University, a small Christian school in Oakland, California and killed seven people. According to police, the gunman ordered his classmates to “line up against the wall” and told them that he was going to “kill everyone.” The gunmen continued to fire as he left the campus and was arrested several hours later at a grocery store.
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SHOOTING AT FULLERTON – 1976 – 7 VICTIMS A custodian at California State University’s library used a semi-automatic rifle to kill seven people on July 12, The gunman was apparently enraged because he thought someone was forcing his wife to appear in pornography films. A court later determined that the gunman was not sane.
AMISH SCHOOL SHOOTING – 2006 – 6 VICTIMS On October 2, 2006, a gunman took several students hostage at West Nickel Mines School, a one room school house in an Amish village in Pennsylvania. He executed five girls between the ages of 7 and 13 before turning the gun on himself.
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY – VICTIMS A sociology student at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, entered a large auditorium filled with about 120 students wearing a shirt with the word “terrorist” on the front and carrying several weapons. The gunman used a 9mm Glock 19, a 12 gauge shotgun, and several other weapons to shoot in kill five students from the front of the stage. Another 21 people were injured during the incident. The gunman took his own life when police arrived.
APRIL 7, 2011 RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL A 23-year-old former student returned to his public elementary school in Rio de Janeiro and began firing, killing 12 children and seriously wounding more than a dozen others, before shooting himself in the head. While Brazil has seen gang- related violence in urban areas, this was the worst school shooting the country has ever seen.
FEB. 2, 1996 MOSES LAKE, WASH. Two students and one teacher killed, one other wounded when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.
APRIL 20, 1999 LITTLETON, COLO. 14 students (including killers) and one teacher killed, 23 others wounded at Columbine High School in the nation's deadliest school shooting. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, had plotted for a year to kill at least 500 and blow up their school. At the end of their hour-long rampage, they turned their guns on themselves.
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