Slides Advice by Richard J Botting CSE School CSUSB With advice from Aaron Pritchett
Do not do the slides first (0) Research the topic, (1) Plan it, (2) Write it, (3) Illustrate it, (4) Edit without mercy.
Movement Don’t! Unless it is something special Or it means something. Or (rarely) to wake people up.
Show or Tell? Show facts on slides. Tell stories and feelings.
Three Good Layouts Heading and Picture Heading and simple graphic Heading and some bullets Two examples...
Heading + Picture Jane Curnutt at Mauna Kea
Simple Bar Graph
Empty Space is OK
No Paragraphs Hand out hard copy of long texts. Hand out after the presentation. Otherwise ask people to read bits of it.
Mix Layouts Not too many Head + Bullets slides With thanks to the Wikipedia:
No Keyword Bullets Bullet points should be sentences.
Scale Font sizes should be more than 16 point Make important points bigger. A Big hall means use a bigger bolder font Acknowledgements can be small.
Fonts A San Serif font works best on slides. Unless, of course, you don ’ t care whether anybody can read the message or not.
Color Use for moods and style not facts. Foreground must standout from background
Any Questions? ?
In Summary Keep slides simple, Less is more. THINK
Thank you.