Instructor Kwan-Jin Jung, Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon University) Technical Assistant Nidhi Kohli (Carnegie Mellon University) David Schaeffer (University of Georgia) Lauren Libero (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Sara Levens, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh)
Effects of Segmented sampling Motion correction Fiber orientation estimation method fMRI based ROIs vs. drawing ROIs Anatomical separation of sensorimotor cortex
Diffusion encoding gradient direction Vector table (x, y, z components) Angular resolution Diffusion-weighting (b-values) Duration & amplitude s/mm ² b0 = 0 s/mm ² No diffusion gradient
Segmented sampling Complementary diffusion encoding directions 64 (A) - 10 min 64 (B) - 10 min 128 (A + B) - 20 min Useful for special populations
How to correct: 1. Estimate the motion 2. Rotate image and vector table accordingly IntendedCollectedHead correction WRONG Head & vector table correction CORRECT
No correction No vector rotation Interpolation Estimates how much you rotate vector table Based on distributed b0 images – “real motion” Rotation (degrees) Time BEFOREAFTER Time
Simulation method Collect two diffusion scans 1. 6 direction scan (low b-value) Why? – Fast (little time for motion) Edges of brain are clearly defined 2. 6 or more direction scan (higher b-value) Assume no motion on scan 1, then simulate what higher b-value volume should look like
Low b-value (b=800 s/mm ² ) DWI (scan 1) Assume no motion Co-register volumes (estimating motion) High b-value (b=2000 s/mm ² ) DWI (scan 2) Find D (diffusion tensor) S=S 0 e -bD Find S (simulated high b-value) S=S 0 e -bD Rotate vector table
Fiber/voxelData AcquisitionAnalysis Single fiber6 – 12 directionsTensor Multiple fibers> 25 directions (HARDI)CSD (Q-ball, multi-tensor)
Tensor Performs well for straight tracts (like motor) Performs poorly for crossing and branching fibers (like Genu) Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) Better for detecting branching and crossing fibers (Tournier et al., 2007)
Genu Tensor Genu CSD
Manually draw ROIs Using fMRI Collect fMRI data – find center of activation (x, y, z) Matrix transformation Convert from fMRI coordinates into DWI native space
Finger closing fMRI results as ROI Separation of sensory and motor areas Clustering – fiber end-point distribution Central Sulcus
Sampling schemes can be advantageously altered for use with special populations Simulation is a promising method for more accurate motion correction CSD Fiber tracking is most appropriate for resolving fiber crossings
fMRI-based ROIs can be used to track fibers from areas of activation DTI can be used as a tool to segment brain areas that are not separable based on diffuse fMRI activation maps
Dr. Kwan-Jin Jung Nidhi Kohli MNTP Leaders: Dr. Eddy & Dr. Kim MTNP Trainees & Participants DTI Trainees 2009 & 2010 Funding: NIH grants: R90DA and T90DA022761
No correctionInterpolationSimulation Motion