Streaming: Camera & Lighting Basics Frist Presented to GCA’s CHD Team by Nathan Zinner Southern Union Conference Assistant to the Director of Communication Ernest Staats Master Science Information Assurance, (CISSP)®, CEH, MCSE, CNA, CWNA, Security+, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+
IMAG vs. Streaming IMAG: magnifying the action of the service so people farther back can see detail Streaming: Attempt to recreate the environment, emotion and message of a service for people who are at a different location
Streaming-Types of shots Recreate environment: Wide shots Emotion: Medium and close-ups Details: Close-ups Message: Usually medium and close-ups
Composition Rule of Thirds Leading Lines
Types of Shots
Use a Variety of Shots Helps video become a narrative Wide shots are called establishing shots Medium shot shows detail of who and what Close up create intimacy with viewer Cutaways are used to illustrate
Wide Shot
Wide Shot/Full Shot
Medium Shot
Loose Medium Shot
Medium Shot
Close-up Shot
Movement Pan Left Right Tilt Up Down Zoom In Out
Camera Movements Goal is to make video as smooth as possible A tripod is a great asset Zooms - generally the slower the better Pan’s - Keep smooth across full motion Don’t make immediate change in direction of movement
Correct White Balance Set custom white balance Correct white balance helps same colors match in all shots & between all cameras
Setting White Balance Place white card on stage at same position speaker stands Same Height Same Location On each camera, zoom in to fill screen with white Press “Manual White Balance” button
Using Text Lower Thirds - Identifies people and places Full screen graphics Title slides Illustrations High contrast between text & background Sans serif font