The Neoclassical Era By Danielle Krongauz, Sarah Wokurka and Mariam Hashmi
Bell Work Read and Annotate
This is a poem by Jonathan Swift. Annotate with attention to what the poem shows as a whole. What aspects does it dwell on, if any? What are the goals of the people in the poem?
Title: The Description of a Morning ~Written during the Neoclassical Era by Jonathan Swift ~Displays the tenets of the era ~A more strict structure of the poem
Defining Neoclassicism ( ) Featuring the works of: Jacque Louis David and Jonathan Swift
Historical Parallels ~Monarchy ~ Great Plague—1665 ~Great Fire of London—1666 ~The Enlightenment ~Industrial Revolution
The Enlightenment ~The Enlightenment was a cultural movement promoting intellectuals. ~It started in the later 17th-century and ended late 18th. ~It emphasized individualism, logic and reason rather than tradition. ~The goal was to change society to be based around reason and to challenge traditional ideas and ideas of faith. ~Another goal was to prove all occurrences, even those in the Bible, through the scientific method. This was done under the belief that all things had rational explanations. ~The era’s advancements was largely governed by the scientific method.
The Industrial Revolution ~The Industrial Revolution was the transition to a different manufacturing process ( ) where rather than hand production methods it was now machine production, chemical manufacturing and iron production. There was increases in use of water and steam power. ~Allowed increase in living quality for the masses ~Made textiles more readily available ~ By increasing living standards, it allowed the masses to pursue knowledge in accordance with the Neoclassical goals
Tenet 1: A regard for tradition and reverence for the classics SHIFT: Rejection of ancient civilizations and cultures -> Regard and respect for tradition and classics Connection: In line with Classical Ideals: no emotions in excess that would cloud view of the world, human motivations easily understood and simple
Tenet 2: a concern for social reality, and the communal commonplaces of thought which hold it together. SHIFT: the social structure was rigid -> Socialness was encouraged Connections: defines the person’s status through brief description
Tenet 3: Looks at human characteristics rather than individual characteristics (Group before the Individual) SHIFT: Appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement -> basic worth for human achievement Connections: while it mentions details, the poem doesn’t focus around a single person
Tenet 4: Human goals should be rational. SHIFT: limitless in his capacities -> rationality in capacities Connections: poem does not contain any grand ideas, only everyday activities and goals
Tenet 5: Human nature is imperfect ~A cause as to why humans must constrict their goals to more easily attainable things ~Humans are by definition flawed SHIFT: Renaissance Humanism (humans must work towards knowledge and to better oneself. A human is an extremely capable being)---> Humans are naturally flawed and it is shown in our daily lives Connections: clearly mentions flaws in people within the poem
Tenet 6: Classical Ideals of Order (Human ability is more powerful than chaos). ~ Writing must be structured with clearly defined boundaries because of belief that humans can easily order chaos (ex: easily distinguishable genres) SHIFT: Every single existing thing in the universe had its "place" in a divinely planned hierarchical order---> We ourselves make sense of our surroundings and place it into an organized system. We can use our minds and bodies to create order ourselves Connections: depicts a scene organized by human goal (schoolboys going to school, people completing work); on the brink of chaos, but held by human rationale
Neoclassical Writers ~Jane Austen- Pride and Prejudice ~Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels ~Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
The Oath of Horatii by Jacques Louis David ~Organized and proportional ~Displays act which will benefit good of the country (group over individual) ~Rational Order