The Odyssey Vocabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

The Odyssey Vocabulary

The Odyssey Book 1 Muse: a daughter of Zeus, credited with divine inspiration harried: tormented, harrassed

The Odyssey Book 9 mustered: assembled, gathered stern: the rear end of a ship victuals: food

The Odyssey Book 9 ponderous: heavy in a clumsy way; bulky profusion: abundance nectar and ambrosia: the drink and food of the gods

The Odyssey Book 9 smithy: blacksmith’s shop adze: an axlike tool with a curved blade sage: wise

breach: opening adversary: an opponent, enemy avowal: honest admission The Odyssey Book 9 breach: opening adversary: an opponent, enemy avowal: honest admission

aft: behind offing: the part of the deep sea visible from the shore The Odyssey Book 9 aft: behind offing: the part of the deep sea visible from the shore

The Odyssey Book 10 fawned on: showed affection for ambrosial: fit for the gods foreboding: a sense of approaching evil

assuage: to calm or pacify flay: to strip off the outer skin of The Odyssey Book 11 assuage: to calm or pacify flay: to strip off the outer skin of

kneaded: squeezed and pressed abominably: in a hateful way; horribly The Odyssey Book 12 kneaded: squeezed and pressed abominably: in a hateful way; horribly

The Odyssey Book 12 maelstrom: a large, violent whirlpool founder: sink combers: breaking waves

travail: painful effort grapple: grasp The Odyssey Book 12 travail: painful effort grapple: grasp

The Odyssey Book 17 swineherd: a person whose job is to take care of pigs muzzle: the long nose and mouth of an animal

The Odyssey Book 17 rubbish: things that are no longer useful and have been thrown out dung: the solid waste of an animal

The Odyssey Book 17 savage: not domesticated; lacking restraints of human behavior that are no longer useful and have been thrown out captivity: state of being kept in a place and not free

suitors: men wanting to marry a particular woman The Odyssey Book 17 suitors: men wanting to marry a particular woman

The Odyssey Book 21 beggar: a person who lives by begging for food and money archery: sport or skill of shooting a bow and arrow

The Odyssey Book 21 quiver: case in which arrows are carried commandeer: to take control of by force

The Odyssey Book 21 adversity: hardship; misfortune heft: weight smote: struck; affected sharply

The Odyssey Book 22 revelry: noisy merrymaking, festivity runnels: streams mortal: certain to die, causing death

The Odyssey Book 22 entrails: internal organs rash: foolish; thoughtless restitution: a making good for loss or damage; repayment

tithe: payment implacable: impossible to soothe, unforgiving The Odyssey Book 22 tithe: payment implacable: impossible to soothe, unforgiving

The Odyssey Book 23 lavished: showered immortals of Olympus: the Greek gods, who live on Mt. Olympus

The Odyssey Book 23 tremulous: marked by trembling of shaking desolation: lonely grief, misery