Facts about the sun Sun Cycle Layers of the sun Sun’s Energy Terms Magnetic field $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000
$200 Jupiter The density of the sun is most similar to what planet?
$400 71% The percentage (by mass) of the sun that is hydrogen is
$600 About 1 million Number Earth’s that would fit inside the sun is
$800 Inward pressure of gravity The outward pressure of hot gas in the sun is balanced by
$1000 The sun is not a solid surface Could you stand on the surface of the sun? Why or why not?
$200 Red Giant What is the next stage of the sun as it ages?
$ years in each hemisphere How long does the sunspot cycle last?
$600 White Dwarf What will the sun eventually become?
$800 The solar cycle is the periodic reversal of the sun’s magnetic field and occurs over a 22 year period. It equals two sunspot cycles. The north pole changes to a south pole in 11 years. What is the solar cycle?
$1000 Describe the future of our Sun? When all of the Sun's core supply of Hydrogen has been converted into Helium nuclear fusion will stop, gravity will crush the core smaller. The pressure and temperature becomes so great that Helium is converted into Carbon. A red giant is formed as the star color changes from the expanded gases. When all of the core supply of Helium is converted into Carbon, nuclear fusion stops and the core collapses and is now called a White dwarf.
$200 Corona and chromosphere What layers are visible only during an eclipse?
$400 photosphere The light we normally see comes from which layer
$600 Red What color does the chromosphere appear during an eclipse?
$800 Radiative zone, convective zone and chromosphere is the order of the sun’s layers from the inside out or outside in? Inside to outside
$1000 It is granulated due to convection currents What is special about the appearance of the photosphere?
$200 The core Where does fusion take place ?
$400 The fusion of hydrogen into helium What is the primary source of the sun’s energy?
$600 Radiation and convection Energy is transported by what two mechanisms?
$800 It radiates from the core and convects through the photosphere How does energy move through the sun?
$1000 It will eventually run out of Hydrogen to fuel the nuclear reaction. Why will the sun’s energy change over time?
$200 Photosphere The visible outer layer of the sun
$400 Identifying lines in the Solar Spectrum are called _________________ names after the man who first discovered them. Fraunhofer lines
$600 Solar Constant The measure of energy received by the sun at a location on Earth is called the
$800 Solar storms Particles sent from the sun through interplanetary spaces to planets can cause
$1000 Our earth’s Magnetosphere protects our planet from most particles the sun emits
$200 Sunspots These objects come in pairs and represent the north and south magnetic fields?
$400 A prominence What is a loop of gas following the magnetic field lines called?
$600 photosphere Visible sunspots are in the
$800 Sunspots always appear in pairs and are intense magnetic fields that break through the surface and are cooler than the area around them. Field lines leave through one sunspot and re-enter through the other one. Describe sunspots.
$1000 Clouds of gases (from the chromosphere) rise and orient themselves along the magnetic lines from sunspot pairs. The arches are called prominences.. Describe prominences.