By: Sally Lee. How does Earth move? Earth orbits the Sun once every 365 days, or on e year. The shape of its orbit is not quite perfect circle. It is.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Sally Lee

How does Earth move? Earth orbits the Sun once every 365 days, or on e year. The shape of its orbit is not quite perfect circle. It is more like an oval.

Why does Earth have day & night? At all times, half of Earth is lighted by the Sun and half is in darkness. Areas facing toward the Sun experience daytime. Areas facing away from the Sun experience night-time.

What does the shape of Earth look like? The earth isn’t perfectly round. It is slightly flattened at the North and South poles.

What is the size difference between the Sun and Earth? The Sun is by far the largest object in our solar system. It would take 109 Earths to stretch across the Sun.

What is the structure of the Earth inside? The Earth’s layers inside our planet are divided into three major areas. The areas are the lithosphere, mantle and core.

From space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls. The blue part is water. The white part is clouds. The brown, yellowand green parts are lands. And the white parts are snow and ice. How does the Earth look like?

How was the Earth formed? The Sun began to form 5 billion years ago out of a cloud whirling dust and gas in space. As it formed, the Sun’s gravity gradually pulled the dust and gas into lumps, which became the planets.

How old is the Earth? Scientist have the dated the Earth as being between 4 and 5 billion years old.

Thank You Thank you for listening carefully to my Earth presentation!