INDEX: Introduction History Epidemiology Etiology Development of the disease What is it? Symptoms Types of multiple sclerosis Progression types of MS Prevention Diagnostic Treatment Bibliography
INTRODUCTION: HISTORY It has been studied since the nineteenth century Jean-Martin Charcot first described MS The cause remains unknown
INTRODUCTION: Epidemiology Average age of onset 30 years It affects 2.5 million people Affected differently by race Different affected by gender. It affects more women than men
INTRODUCTION: Epidemiology
Etiology: POSSIBLE CAUSES Environmental factor Genetic factor Emigration Immune factor
DEVELOPMENT OF THE DISEASE It is thought that a virus or an unknown antigen are responsible for triggering, somehow, an immunological abnormality. Then the body produces antibodies against its own myelin. This causes, over time, the appearance of lesions of demyelination and subsequently scars (plaques) in different parts of the central nervous system. Demyelination can affect various areas of the central nervous system and various localization of lesions is the cause of the variability and multiplicity of symptoms.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE DISEASE This active immune mechanism white blood cells (lymphocytes) in the blood stream, which enter the brain and weaken the defense mechanisms of this. Once in the brain these cells activate other elements of the immune system, so that attack and destroy myelin. A common virus can activate the body's immune system, causing it to attack and destroy myelin in the central nervous system in a genetically susceptible person. There is also evidence that MS is more common among people who have a genetic susceptibility.
WHAT IS IT? Is a disease of white matter or myelin in the brain and spinal cord, causing the appearance of sclerotic plaques that prevent normal operation of these nerve fibers. Myelin is a fatty substance that surrounds and insulates nerves, acting as the coverage of an electric wire and allowing the nerve to transmit its impulses rapidly. The speed and efficiency with which these impulses are conducted allow for smooth, rapid and coordinated movements with little conscious effort.
SYMPTOMS It depends on the area affected: Visual symptoms Sensory symptoms Motor symptoms Coordination Fatigue Problems with the mood Memory problems
TYPES OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Benign MS Relapsing-remitting MS Secondary progressive MS Primary progressive MS
PREVENTION The cause of the disease is unknown by now, so it is not possible prevention. It is recommended that regular visits to a neurologist to keep track of the disease.
DIAGNOSTIC Is essentially clinical The neurologist is based on clinical history and physical examination of the patient To perform various diagnostic procedures, which include the following scans are needed Clinic history. Neurological examination. Tests of auditory and visual evoked potentials Imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance Lumbar puncture.
TREATMENT Beta interferon Reduce the frequency of recurrences Copolymer 1 and oral myelin Avoid attacking the myelin Prednisone Controls acute symptoms
TREATMENT The MS has three aspects: Modify disease progression Relieve symptoms Overcoming sequels Individual resources