Closing Session Feedback from “Theme Park session Common Inspection Framework-September 2012 Inspection The “Julie’s” Teaching and Learning Improvement Strategy Tutor Development
Feedback from theme park session Initial Assessment (Alison) Equality and Diversity (Helen) Impact for Learners-Evidence (Maxine) RARPA (Karen) ILPs (Sue) Dealing with difficult situations and challenging behaviour (Richard) Functional Skills (Susannah) Safeguarding (Andy) New tutors (Julie) Closing session
Common Inspection Framework September 2012 Outcomes for Learners all learners achieve and make progress relative to their starting points and learning goals achievement gaps are narrowing between different groups of learners learners develop personal, social and employability skills learners progress to courses leading to higher-level qualifications and into jobs that meet local and national needs. Closing session
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment learners benefit from high expectations, engagement, care, support and motivation from staff staff use their skills and expertise to plan and deliver teaching, learning and support to meet each learner’s needs staff initially assess learners’ starting points and monitor their progress, set challenging tasks, and build on and extend learning for all learners learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate feedback from staff following assessment of their learning teaching and learning develop English, mathematics and functional skills, and support the achievement of learning goals and career aims appropriate and timely information, advice and guidance supports learning effectively equality and diversity are promoted through teaching and learning Closing session
Changes to inspection Only consider a provider to be outstanding for overall effectiveness, if they have outstanding teaching, learning and assessment Introduce a new judgement of ‘requires improvement’ Introduce earlier re-inspection of learning and skills providers judged as ‘requires improvement’ Limit the number of times a provider can be judged as ‘requires improvement’ for overall effectiveness Reduce the notice period for inspections Safeguarding and equality and diversity no longer a limiting grade Closing session
And the winner is…………….. The “Julie’s” The ACLS Creativity Awards Best Creative Individual Learning Plan Most Unique Teaching Activity Most Effective Method of Embedding E & D Most inventive use of IT in a venue without IT Special Award: Most forward thinking teaching and learning development of the year Results at the Teaching and Learning Day Spring 2013– Red carpet, fabulous prize, name in lights and all Closing session
How To Enter Nominate someone else Nominate yourself Send details to Julie by February 1 st 2013 ACLS will be looking out for nominations as we go about our observations and visits Details sent to group and on web site
Teaching and Learning Improvement Strategy Handout Also on web site Why? What it’s for What it is, what it’s not Contact Julie for discussion, questions, comments Closing session
Tutor Meetings Handout Also on web site Dates Times Venues Topics Questions? Comments? Closing session