How Movies Are Made: A Behind-the-Scenes Workshop Frank Baker, media educator September 16, 2007
Coming Distractions: Questioning Movies Capstone Press, 2007
The Oscar The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Oscar Categories Best Actor/Actress Best Actor/Actress Best Director Best Director Best Cinematographer Best Cinematographer Best Screenplay (Script) Best Screenplay (Script) Best Set Design (Art Direction) Best Set Design (Art Direction) Best Music Best Music Best Costume Design Best Costume Design Best Editing Best Editing Best Makeup Best Makeup video
How Movies Are Made Someone has an idea Someone has an idea They create a script (the story) They create a script (the story) They raise the money to make their movie They raise the money to make their movie They hire actors, directors (the crew) They hire actors, directors (the crew) They scout locations They scout locations They shoot the movie They shoot the movie They edit the movie They edit the movie They market and promote the movie They market and promote the movie
Screenplay Script
Actors Mary Badham & Gregory Peck studying the script
Storyboard Artist
Scouting (finding locations)
Dissolve Used to indicate Passage of time Often used in Flashbacks video
Camera angles
Activity From novel to film From novel to film
Because of Winn-Dixie Grocery Store scene Grocery Store scenescene