Intrinsic structure and kinematics of the sub-parsec scale jet of M87


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Presentation transcript:

Intrinsic structure and kinematics of the sub-parsec scale jet of M87 Y. Y. Kovalev MPIfR-Bonn; ASC Lebedev Alaska May 22, 2007

Collaborators Y. Y. Kovalev (MPIfR-Bonn, ASC Lebedev) K. I. Kellermann (NRAO) M. L. Lister (Purdue University) D. C. Homan (Denison University) A. P. Lobanov(MPIfR-Bonn) 2 cm VLBA / MOJAVE group Alaska May 22, 2007 Arecibo Observatory Library Colloquium

Sub-parsec-scale jet in M87 at 15 GHz Alaska May 22, 2007

3 mas long “Counter-jet” 15 GHz Ly et al. (2007) Alaska May 22, 2007

Counter-jet tests: is it real or an imaging artifact? Deep VLBA+VLA M87 image A model without a counter-jet was used to produce the fake uv dataset 1: no counter-jet is detected in the image A model with a counter-jet was used to produce the fake uv dataset 2: the counter-jet detected in the image Alaska May 22, 2007

M87 CP results: -0.5% Homan & Lister (2006) Alaska May 22, 2007

Negative speed of a counter-jet feature Alaska May 22, 2007

Intrinsic jet structure Alaska May 22, 2007

Intrinsic structure of the counter jet Alaska May 22, 2007

15 GHz VLBA M87 movie Alaska May 22, 2007

Kinematics Alaska Fastest jet speed: 0.03c Counter-jet: -0.01c May 22, 2007

Discussion Large scale jet opening angle: 6 degrees. Linear polarization data corrected for FRM from Zavala & Taylor (2002) suggest highly ordered longitudinal magnetic field. We argue that the “counter-jet” is the counter-jet. Jet / Counter-jet brightness ratio is measured to be 14. Assuming viewing angle 20-40 degrees, this brightness ratio suggests that the bulk flow is (0.5-0.6)c. If the edge brightened jet structure is due to a velocity gradient and the jet is described by a two component model with a fast spine and a slow sheath, this could explain the detected variable TeV emission from M87 (Aharonian et al. 2006) following the spine-sheath model of Ghisellini et al. (2005). Alaska May 22, 2007

Thank you June 10, 2005 April 11, 2005 NASA GSFC Arecibo Observatory Library Colloquium