THE ANATOMY OF CV PREPARATION C. Antonio Jesurun, M.D. Professor Pediatrics TTUHSC-El Paso
Curriculum Vitae Course of Life Reflection of who you are What you have to offer
Curriculum Vitae Formation Consider the purpose Consider the person Consider the position
Curriculum Vitae Formation Reading with both eyes open Information in concise form Used to select desirable candidates May be your first and last impression
Curriculum Vitae Formation Time well invested You sell yourself Concise and to the point Remember the competition
Curriculum Vitae Formation Always provide a cover letter Convey who you are as a doctor Convey who you are as a person
Cover Letter Get their attention! This is your introduction Personalize your cover letter Include items of interest
Cover Letter One to two pages High quality bond paper Single-spaced; double space paragraphs One thought per paragraph
Cover Letter 12 pt. Times New Roman Black ink Address letter to individual not ‘twimc’ Spell out employment objectives
Cover Letter Describe current work environment Why are you seeking new employment? Mention strengths Productivity People skills Leadership ability
Cover Letter Mention personal interests and hobbies Be human Mention your philosophy of care Be enthusiastic!
Curriculum Vitae Pearls Clarity and organization Use same paper, type, ink, margin settings as in cover letter Center name, address, phone, fax, address on top Number pages, place name on each page
CV Pearls List education chronology in order of completion Dates to left, then institutions, degrees Divide Education College Medical Professional experience
CV Pearls Work Experience Dates to left Employers, special responsibilities, and skills to the right
CV Pearls Never leave unexplained time gaps Cite committee names, dates, positions Licenses and certifications Local, regional, national organizations Publications—list them consistently
CV Pearls Honors and Awards Personal information Interests Languages spoken List at least three references
Not on Your Curriculum Vitae.... Missppellings Grammatical errors Poor organization Misaligned columns Formatting blunders
Your Curriculum Vitae Clear and concise Well organized Neat and presentable No nifty tricks or gimmicks
Your Curriculum Vitae Take pride in your CV Your CV is a reflection of your clinical competence Keep it up to date Keep a record of your activities No one else will!
EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE Name, MD (header with name for all pages; and number all pages bottom center) *I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Citizenship: (Do not use this prefix if you are a naturalized U.S. citizen.) Home address and telephone: Professional address and telephone: Social Security number:
EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE II. PRESENT ACADEMIC RANK AND POSITION (Do not use prefix of academic rank if you do not have one.) Example: Professor of Medicine, Any town Medical School Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology Any town Medical School III. EDUCATION (Include degrees and dates.) College/University: Medical School: Residency: Fellowship: Other:
EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE IV. BOARD CERTIFICATION (List month, year and board certificate number, if known. Include national boards and their parts if you have them.) V. MEDICAL LICENSURE (Indicate state and license number only; date is not necessary.) VI. HONORS AND AWARDS (Include Teacher of the Year, honors from undergraduate school, Phi Beta Kappa membership, AOA, etc.)
EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE VII. MILITARY SERVICES Complete if applicable; include branch of service, rank, place, and dates.) VIII. PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND APPOINTMENTS (Academic Research, Clinical--list chronologically, beginning with earliest appointment.) IX. EDUCATION-TEACHING (In your role as teacher, list dates and names of courses taught, chairships held Medical School: Graduate School: Continuing Education: Other Institutions (prior to current position):
EXAMPLE OF CURRICULUM VITAE X. EDUCATION-JOURNALS (List membership on editorial boards, position as scientific reviewer for medical journals, etc.) XI. GRADUATE STUDENTS/POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS WORKING FOR YOU (List individuals' names, number of years working for you, name of program, etc.) XII. INSTITUTIONAL, DEPARTMENTAL, AND DIVISIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE