ABC Lesson 6
Vocabulary Review link Here is the vocabulary for ABC Lesson 6. Let’s take a look. Directional Verbs link to ppt page
Basic Sentence Structure Object + Subject + Verb The girl has a book. ___t___ BOOK GIRL HAVE The Object in an OSV sentence is signed as the Topic.
Basic Sentence Structure Basic Sentence Structure What is the “Non-Manual” marker for Topic? RIGHT!
Topic-Comment is NOT O-S-V DON’T -UNDERSTAND MIS Topic-Comment is NOT O-S-V O-S-V Topic Comment
Topic-Comment is NOT O-S-V Many sentence structures (besides OSV) can be signed with Topic Comment: O-S-V Topic Comment
Such as These Structures: DOG I WANT. Object+Subject+Verb ____t__ BOY HE NEED MONEY. Subject+Verb+Object __t__ RAIN STOP. Object+Verb __t__ BOOK BLUE. Object+Adjective _t__ CAT JUMP-ON ME. Object+Verb+Subject Clause as Topic ____________________t_____________________ TOMORROW MORNING TIME+7 TWO-US LEAVE, SHE DOUBT.
Let’s practice some OSV sentences signed with Topic-Comment You like walking. I like coffee. They enjoy work. She doesn’t buy sweets. I have a soda. I prefer tea. He watches T-V. We enjoy movies. I want the car. Do you need a bike? I don’t like dancing. I didn’t eat meat.
Get out a piece of paper…
Write 6 of your own OSV simple sentences. I will assign partners by numbering you off, you will sign your sentences across the room without leaving your table!!
Directional (Inflecting) Verbs Some Verbs change their movement to indicate the subject and the object of the sentence. In other words, these verbs use space to show the locations of the subject and object pronouns. YOU- MEET -ME These are called ‘Directional’ or ‘Inflecting’ Verbs
Directional (Inflecting) Verbs What this means is that when you sign a sentence using a DIRECTIONAL VERB, you do NOT need to add the pronouns at all! So the sentence below is signed as ONE SIGN. You sign the directional verb that moves to indicate subject and object in the sentence. YOU- MEET ASK -ME
Directional (Inflecting) Verbs Some verbs must be accompanied by the subject and object pronouns. REMEMBER HAVE WANT YOU KNOW ME NEED These verbs cannot stand alone. They can’t use space and movement to indicate subject and object pronouns. You have to sign all three signs. These are called ‘plain verbs’
Let’s practice some new Directional (Inflecting) Verbs You need to sit in a group with a partner ACROSS the table from you. For this next activity, you will be practicing Directional Verbs. At your table sign to the person across from you at your table using the following sentences. Be sure you keep eye contact with your partner as you sign the sentences.
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER SHOW YOU- -ME SHOW I- -HIM,HER SHOW HE,SHE- -ME SHOW HE,SHE- -YOU SHOW YOU- -HIM,HER SHOW HE/SHE- -HIM,HER SHOW Show me your new watch. He showed me his new car yesterday. She will show you the movie on Saturday
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER HELP YOU- -ME HELP I- -HIM,HER HELP HE,SHE- -ME HELP HE,SHE- -YOU HELP YOU- -HIM,HER HELP HE/SHE- -HIM,HER HELP He will help me buy clothes tomorrow. Did she help you make bread yesterday? Will you help me write the letter?
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER ASK YOU- -ME ASK I- -HIM,HER ASK HE,SHE- -ME ASK HE,SHE- -YOU ASK YOU- -HIM,HER ASK HE/SHE- -HIM,HER ASK I’ll ask her again after awhile. Will he ask you to work? You already asked me.
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER SEND YOU- -ME SEND I- -HIM,HER SEND HE,SHE- -ME SEND HE,SHE- -YOU SEND YOU- -HIM,HER SEND HE/SHE- -HIM,HER SEND She will send them the money tomorrow. Will he send you the package today? You send me the letter later.
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER TELL YOU- -ME TELL I- -HIM,HER TELL HE,SHE- -ME TELL HE,SHE- -YOU TELL YOU- -HIM,HER TELL HE/SHE- -HIM,HER TELL Yesterday, he told me to stay. I’m telling her right now! She’ll tell me the right address tomorrow
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER GIVE YOU- -ME GIVE I- -HIM,HER GIVE HE,SHE- -ME GIVE HE,SHE- -YOU GIVE YOU- -HIM,HER GIVE HE/SHE- -HIM,HER GIVE You give me the picture NOW! I’m giving you money. He gave me the phone number already.
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER LOOK-AT YOU- -ME LOOK-AT I- -HIM,HER LOOK-AT HE,SHE- -ME LOOK-AT HE,SHE- -YOU LOOK-AT YOU- -HIM,HER LOOK-AT HE/SHE- -HIM,HER LOOK-AT I didn’t look at you! Look at that car! WOW! That cat is staring at me…
I- -YOU YOU- -ME I- -HIM,HER HE,SHE- -ME HE,SHE- -YOU YOU- -HIM,HER PAY YOU- -ME PAY I- -HIM,HER PAY HE,SHE- -ME PAY HE,SHE- -YOU PAY YOU- -HIM,HER PAY HE/SHE- -HIM,HER PAY Did you already pay him? Pay me for it later. Not now. I’ll pay you for the ticket tomorrow.
Directional (Inflecting) Verbs with Classifiers Some SASS (Size and Shape Specifiers) Classifiers can also be used as/with the Directional Verb “GIVE.” How would you sign: She gave me an orange. *What Classifier would you use? *How would you hold an orange?
How about this sentence? You gave me the umbrella a long time ago.
How about this sentence? Please give me the ball.
How about these sentences? I’m giving you the book now. Handshape depends on the size of the book….
How about this sentence? He handed me a beautiful ring.
How about these? I’ll give you a glass of water. Tomorrow I’ll give him the portable TTY. She handed me a cup of milk. Will you bring me that box? Hand him that stack of paper. Did he give her the green bottle? You handed her the plant, right? Hand me that Pepsi.
Okay… You need a blank And you need to find your “HAPPY” partner piece of paper --- And you need to find your “HAPPY” partner (on your faces chart) Okay…