By: Pramod Jagtap Aniket Bochare
Agenda Introduction to dataset Web service description Service architecture Project plan Intended clients
Introduction to dataset IMDB dataset :- The internet movie database Over 1.8 million records Data consists movies and corresponding cast, business details, locations, soundtracks… Publicly available as plain text files.
Motivation IMDB doesn’t provide any APIs. Developers find hard to get movie information in machine readable format. Tourism industry can benefit from advertizing about movies filmed in given location.
Web Service Features Provision for analysis of data. This service will provide the list of special effects companies involved in filming the given movie. List movies/TV shows as per specified genres. Combination of multiple genres
Web Service Features… We are planning to take advantage of Google maps to list movies filmed at a given location. Provide the movie list for the given cast members.
Client Interface Apache Tomcat Web Server SOAP Request HTTP response Web Browser WSDL HTTP Request SOAP Response Apache Axis UDDI API Database Layer User/Client My SQL Server (IMDB Database) DB Query Request DB Query Response Google Maps API m
Resources Involved WSDL SOAP XML-RPC Apache Tomcat My SQL Google Maps API Bluegrit Cluster
Functional Requirements User inputs: Cast names or, Movie name or, Location Genre Output to users: List of movies, List of special effect companies, List of movies filmed in specified location.
Project Plan Mid-Term : Setting up environment. Design database schema and import records from plain text files to DB. Design of Web service. End of Term Completed Web service and client. Project report.
Intended Clients Common people Find movies using cast names. Find movies for using combination of genres. Movie directors and producers. Find special effect companies. Tourism industry Show movies filmed in given location to attract tourists.
Responsibilities All Development of web service Project report Presentation Service Testing Pramod Jagtap Design of web service and client. Design and development of UI. Aniket Bochare Bluegrit environment setup. Analysis and importing of IMDB dataset.