DzigaVertov (David/Denis Kaufman)
Aesthetic program The Kinoks group (kino “cinema” + oko“eye” and okno“window”) The Kinoks group (kino “cinema” + oko“eye” and okno“window”) Programmatic "Manifesto" Programmatic "Manifesto" “Kino-glaz” (“cine-eye”). Documentary truth. Films as “wall-newspapers” “Kino-glaz” (“cine-eye”). Documentary truth. Films as “wall-newspapers” "It is far from simple to show the truth, yet the truth is simple." (DzigaVertov) "It is far from simple to show the truth, yet the truth is simple." (DzigaVertov) Using one's eyes (lens as an eye) Using one's eyes (lens as an eye)
Cine-Eye "Our eyes see very little and very badly – so people dreamed up the microscope to let them see invisible phenomena; they invented the they have perfected the cinecamera to penetrate more deeply into the visible world, to explore and record visual phenomena so that what is happening now, which will have to be taken account of in the future, is not forgotten." (Dziga Vertov) "Our eyes see very little and very badly – so people dreamed up the microscope to let them see invisible phenomena; they invented the they have perfected the cinecamera to penetrate more deeply into the visible world, to explore and record visual phenomena so that what is happening now, which will have to be taken account of in the future, is not forgotten." (Dziga Vertov)
Realized metaphor
Man with a Movie Camera (1929) Begins with a statement of values Begins with a statement of values Against theatre, acting, scenarios Against theatre, acting, scenarios No narrative No narrative No individual hero No individual hero People merging with machines People merging with machines
Constructivist aesthetic Glorification of technology, delight in watching machines Glorification of technology, delight in watching machines Camera, machines, trains, trams Camera, machines, trains, trams A “choreography” of machines A “choreography” of machines Machines as “perfect hands” – humans become machine-like Machines as “perfect hands” – humans become machine-like The camera “orders” the events to happen The camera “orders” the events to happen "I am the machine that reveals the world to you as only I alone am able to see it." (Dziga Vertov) "I am the machine that reveals the world to you as only I alone am able to see it." (Dziga Vertov)
Constructivist aesthetic
Man with a Movie Camera (1929) No intertitles (but many bits of text tell the story) No intertitles (but many bits of text tell the story) Continuation of "Kino- Pravda" ("film truth") – a film series started by Vertov in 1922, the title played on the state newspaper title Pravda (“Truth”) Continuation of "Kino- Pravda" ("film truth") – a film series started by Vertov in 1922, the title played on the state newspaper title Pravda (“Truth”)
Genre and devices Documentary in the genre of "Life of a City" Documentary in the genre of "Life of a City" Actually, several cities shown ( Moscow, Odessa, Kharkov) Actually, several cities shown ( Moscow, Odessa, Kharkov) Uses the conventions of film-making to “unmask” them (the Kuleshov effect with the dummies) Uses the conventions of film-making to “unmask” them (the Kuleshov effect with the dummies) Rapid cross-cutting – “wake-up therapy” Rapid cross-cutting – “wake-up therapy”
Ideological message Down with NEP (New Economic Policy) Down with NEP (New Economic Policy) Down with bourgeois values, including feature films Down with bourgeois values, including feature films Manual labour versus service; down with service Manual labour versus service; down with service Lev Trotsky’s quote illustrated (vodka, church and cinema as “drugs” used by world capitalism against the working class) Lev Trotsky’s quote illustrated (vodka, church and cinema as “drugs” used by world capitalism against the working class)
Artistic message Film about film-making (self- reflexive) Film about film-making (self- reflexive) Begins with a shot of the movie theatre and a reel of completed film Begins with a shot of the movie theatre and a reel of completed film Heroes are: the film editor (played by DV’s wife ElizavetaSvilova), cameraman (played by Mikhail Kaufman, DV's brother), and the camera. Heroes are: the film editor (played by DV’s wife ElizavetaSvilova), cameraman (played by Mikhail Kaufman, DV's brother), and the camera.