Science Fiction 10/14
Agenda Go over definition Go over quotes Begin watching movie
Definition Incorporate hypothetical, sceince-based themes into the plot of the film Often times, there are futuristic elements and technologies that explore social, political, and philosophical issues Set in future, either on earth or in space Incorporates: Heroes, villains, unexplored locations, fantastical quests, and advanced technology
Sub-Genres Apocalyptic Dystopian Time-Travel Alien Monsters and Mutants
New Assessment Element Text- Based Questions Questions you have an opinion on and you prove using the movie Write an answer Cite a specific scene as proof Explain how that scene proves your answer true.
Quote Connection How does this quote connect to the film?
Quote 1 “Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.” –El Cordobes
Quote 2 “The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.” – Honore de Balzac
Quote 3 “When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.” Victor Hugo