Culture Group: Southeastern Physical Region: Coastal Plains CADDO WICHITA CHEROKEES
HOMES Wikiup - beehive structure made of long poles, animal skins and grass
TOOLS/WEAPONS Pottery Woven baskets Bow and arrow Trotlines for fishing Bone tools and utensils
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION 2 large confederacies Men and women could be council leaders (Caddo) Caddoes - eldest female head of family
FOOD corn, beans, squash, fish, sunflowers, berries, figs, plums, etc.
CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Permanent homes Farmers - very food rich enviroment Wichitas - semi nomadic Cherokees - written language
Culture Group: Coastal Plains Physical Region: Coastal Plains Karankawa Coahuiltecan
HOMES Cone shaped Made of willow branches and hides with reed mats
TOOLS/WEAPONS Animal traps Pottery/woven baskets Bow and arrow Dugout canoe
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Small family tribes
FOOD Deer, beans, nuts, berries, spiders, ant eggs, worms, lizards, snakes, roots, scallops, turtles, fish, alligator, locust, bear
CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Use alligator grease as mosquito repellant Tatooed Nomadic (hunters & gathers) Cannibals - ate enemies believing it gave them strenth
Culture Group: Plains Culture Physical Region: Great Plains/North Central Plains Comanches Kiowas Apaches Tonkawa
HOME Tipis and wikiups
TOOLS/WEAPONS Bows & arrows Lance and shield Tool and utensils made from bone, wood, or metal
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Council that made decisions for tribes All tribes moved down Texas from the north
FOOD Bear, buffalo, turkey, geese, antelope, elk, deer, roots, nuts, berries
CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Painted tipies and shields Nomadic (hunters and gathers) mostly warrior/ raider societies
Culture Group: Pueblo Phicsical Region: Mountains & Basins Tiguas Jumanos
HOMES Flat roof, collect rainwater in pottery Adobe structure (bricks made of clay and grass, then dried) Cool in summer, warm in winter
TOOLS/WEAPONS Sled Bone tools Bow and arrow Pottery
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Council of leaders who made decisions for the tribe
FOOD Corn, mesquite beans, squash, cactus fruit
CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Tatooed Farmers Created irrigation canals to water crops
Wichita Tribe Located in North Central Texas along the Red R. and Brazos R.
Wichita Housing Round huts made out of grass and poles. Floor made from ash and clay. Dug motes around the house to keep water out.
Wichita Food Sources Corn, beans, squash, and pumpkin Buffalo occasionally
Wichita Appearance Loin cloth Heavily tattooed around the eyes Animal skin skirts
Unusual Facts about the Wichita Held religious ceremonies when building homes. History of the tribe was passed down orally by the Grandparents. Cradleboards were used by the women to carry infants.
Jumano Tribe Located in the Mountains and Basins region of Texas.
Jumano Housing Single story, adobe brick homes built partially underground.
Jumano Food Sources Corn, beans, squash, cactus tuna, mesquite bean.
Jumano Appearance Loin cloth Animal skin clothing Packed mud on their head to stay cool
Unusual Facts about the Jumano Due to dry conditions in west Texas, Jumano’s irrigated water to their crops. Painted inside their house with red, black, and yellow paints. Very peaceful tribe.