Friends Path to Fame Henry Hudson Yes son. So on my 4 th voyage, many things have happened. I have discovered this amazing river on which seems to be the other side of the planet. It is very different over here, and the natives are a big help to us. Well right now I’m going to set sail on a small boat to find more land, even though there is a storm coming in. Wish me luck. John Hudson Dad? Please tell me you are coming back soon and keep us updated. Henry Hudson Well, my 2 nd and 3 rd expedition's I didn’t have any luck, but I have a strong feeling that soon I’m going to make a discovery that’s going to be huge in the exploration world. Robert Juet What’s going on in your expeditions? I need more material for my expedition journal. Henry Hudson I am now on my first voyage, sailing for the Muscovey Company. The weather is extremely cold, and I’m starting to worry about the ships sails and shrouds because they look like they are going to freeze soon. Katherine Hudson I miss you! Do you know when you’re coming back from your expedition? I have always wanted to make a huge discovery for the exploration world, and that dream finally came true for me. I discovered what will be in the future Nova Scotia and the river what will be named after me, the Hudson River. Famous explorer. Explored Hudson River. * Lives in England * Married * Born in 1565 Henry Hudson Katherine Hudson Robert Juet John Hudson
Katherine Hudson Robert Juet John Hudson Famous explorer. Explored the Hudson River. * Lives in England * Married * Born in 1565 Claude Monet About HudsonI have always wanted to make a huge discovery for exploration, and have always had a raw talent for navigating and direction. I have made four journeys in my career and was a commander for the Dutch east India Company. I discovered the area I what will be called in the future “Novia Scotia”. I have also discovered a unique river valley which will be soon name “The Hudson River Valley”. I also have a wife named Katherine and three wonderful sons on which they supported my expeditions. Although my discoveries sound like they came to me easily, they didn’t. I spent my life searching for a different route to Asia but actually ended up opening the door for exploration more by ending up on the other side of the world! Oh how I love sailing, LOL. Anderson, James. Monet’s Waterlilies. New York: Penguin, Dudar, Helen. "When light meets water: Monet on the Mediterranean." Smithsonian July 1997: 80+. Gale Power Search. Web. 9 Feb Gascoigne, Laura. "Glory of the garden: Laura Gascoigne manages to dodge the crowds and find something of the magic of Monet's Giverny." Spectator 6 Aug. 2011: 40+. Gale Power Search. Web. 9 Feb Johnson, Jerry. "Not Just Pretty Gardens; The untamed beauty of Monet's last paintings." New York 24 May Gale Power Search. Web. 9 Feb Marcus, John. Monet and Manet. Purdue U, 28 Nov Web. 10 Feb 2012 Friends Basic Info Philosophy Favorite Quotations Resources Favorite Sources Henry Hudson “A headstrong adventurer and explorer, Henry Hudson undertook four major expeditions in his lifetime that would guide his followers through the New World.” –
Claude Monet My Paintings By Claude Monet (Albums) * Updated 1 day agoClaude Monet Henry Hudson’s ship and crewmates suffered insne conditions when huge winter storms pulled in threatinging to freeze the shiips sails and ropes. Monet’s View of Vétheuil is an example of his unique use of color; unlike some of his contemporaries, he choose to use bright, shocking colors, that weren’t toned down with a somber golden wash used by other artists (Dudar 5.) Monet painted more than thirty different canvases of Rouen Cathedral, each at a different time of day. It captured his impression of the way the light changed the scene. It was one of his most extensive undertakings (Johnson 4). Monet is credited with starting the Impressionist movement. In fact, the style was named after this painting, which is titled Sunrise: Impression. Critics meant the term “Impressionism” as a negative, but Monet took it as a compliment (Dudar 7). Monet continued to paint even when he was almost blind. His water-lilies painting took him 15 years to complete. Monet even had a special studio built to house the work because the canvases were so big (Marcus 92).