Thematic Studies In Bible Basics
Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 Paul discusses “peace” re: Gentiles & Jews Gentiles were once “outsiders” & “strangers” to the covenants of the promise v. 12 Yet, all who are “afar off” (Gentiles) were brought near by the blood of Christ v. 13
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 In His death, Jesus broke down the dividing wall between Jews & Gentiles…a “wall” of “enmity …the “Law of commandments & ordinances” vv Two groups of people previously separated by the 1st Covenant are now “reconciled in one body to God” v. 16
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Eph 2:14-16 Notice both Jews & Gentiles were adversely affected by the Law (1st Covenant) Jews were “locked up in sin” Gal 3:23 Gentiles were “locked out in sin” Eph 2:12
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 A parallel passage to Eph 2:14-16 Dead ones are “made alive” through God’s forgiveness because of Christ’s D/B/R vv Christ cancelled out the “certificate of debt” (Law) that was “hostile” & “contrary” to man (both Jew & Gentile) v. 14
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 This “certificate of debt” was “taken out of the way” by being “nailed to His cross” v. 14 Imagery of something being paid As a result, the Law should no longer be used as a basis for judgment vv
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Col 2:14-17 The things mandated and spoken of in the Law were only “a shadow of the things to come” under the 2nd Covenant v. 17 cp. Heb 8:5 10:1
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Heb 1:1-2; 2:1-4 God has always spoken to humanity Through whom He spoke, how He spoke has changed In days past (1st Covenant), He spoke “to the fathers in the prophets” 1:1 Now, “in these last days” (2nd Covenant), He has spoken “to us in His Son 1:2
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Heb 1:1-2; 2:1-4 The Bible teaches us these “last days” are the days of the gospel age…the days of the New Testament Isa 2:2-3 Mic 4:1-2 Dan 2:28-45 Joel 2:28-32 Acts 2:17-21 There will be no more days after the 2nd Covenant
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Heb 1:1-2; 2:1-4 The 1st Covenant was “spoken through angels” 2:2a cp. Acts 7:53 Gal 3:19 Transgressions committed under this covenant were faithfully & fairly punished…this covenant proved to be “unalterable” or “steadfast” 2:2b
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Heb 1:1-2; 2:1-4 What should we expect re: transgressions we commit under the 2nd Covenant…especially since we know it to be a greater covenant with a Greater Spokesman? 2:3 This proves the superiority of the 2nd Covenant over the 1st Covenant
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 5 Ù The Old & New Covenants Passages That Address The 2 Covenants… Heb 3:1-6 God had 2 faithful servants in His “houses” Moses was faithful as a “servant in the house” v. 5 Jesus is faithful as a “Son over His house” v. 6 Jesus is due more glory than Moses, just as the builder of the house receives more glory than the house v. 3
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics